- But North Korean officials did not confirm or deny that a mi ile test is imminent. 不过,北韩官员没有证实或否认北韩即将进行这类试验的说法。
- He said Kim will also hold talks with North Korean officials on verifying the declaration. 凯西说,金成还将和北韩官员就核查北韩的申报进行会谈。
- After the country's second nuclear test, on May 25th, North Korean officials were reportedly told to back Kim Jong Un. 在5月25日进行的第二次核试验后,有消息称朝鲜官员被告知要拥护金正云。
- The US special envoy Pritchard will meet with North Korean officials in New York and discuss his possible trip to North Korea. 美国特使普瑞查德将在纽约会晤北韩官员,讨论可能的北韩之行。
- South Korean officials say the highest-ranking North Korean defector, a sharp critic of the North's leaders, will be allowed to freely travel overseas. 南韩官员说,北韩官阶最高的叛逃者黄长烨将被准许自由出国旅行,黄长烨尖锐批评北韩领导人。
- Last week, when South Korean officials announced the arrest of a North Korean spy, they revealed that one of the spy's objectives was to locate Hwang. 上星期,在韩国官员宣布逮捕了一名北韩间谍时,他们透露这名间谍的任务之一就是寻找黄长烨的住处。
- Mr.Clinton received the a bouquet of flowers from a schoolgirl after shaking hands with senior North Korean officials on the airport tarmac. 在机场的柏油路上和朝鲜高级官员握手之后,克林顿先生接受了以为女学生敬献的花束。
- North Korean leader Kim Jong Il did not attend the performance. Other senior North Korean officials were in the audience. 北韩领导人金正日并没有在现场观看演出。北韩某些高级领导人观看了乐团的演出。
- Hill met several North Korean officials, including Foreign Minister Pak Ui Chun and a senior army general in a visit spanning three days. 希尔在他三天的访问中会晤了几名北韩官员,其中包括北韩外务相朴义春和一名军方高级将领。
- "American and South Korean officials say he is believed to have suffered a stroke, North Korean Korea has discribed described this claim as a whopping lie. 美国和南韩的官员说他得了中风,北朝鲜则称这种说法是巨大的谎言。
- Yet estimates of the North Korean test clustered around half a kiloton.Reportedly, North Korean officials had told China to expect a blast of four kilotons. 然而北韩的试爆却只有约0.;5千吨,而据称北韩官方在试爆前告知中国大陆的爆炸威力约4千吨。
- Last week North Korea submitted a long-awaited document that listed its nuclear holdings. North Korean officials also demolished the cooling tower at the country's Yongbyon nuclear reactor. 美国负责北韩核项目问题谈判的首席代表、助理国务卿希尔说,在实现朝鲜半岛无核化的努力中,核实是最重要的环节。希尔在华盛顿发表演讲时作出上述表示。
- The Dear Leader hadn't appeared in public for weeks, and senior North Korean officials soothed no one's doubts when they broke their usual silence to deny that Kim had suffered a stroke. 敬爱的领袖已经几周没有在公众视野中出现了,北朝鲜高层官员不同以往地打破沉默,否认金中风的传言,但这没能打消人们的疑虑。
- That action, and scrutiny outside the country of the government's human-rights violations, coincided with the arrival of an American envoy for a meeting with North Korean officials. 朝鲜发行新币的举措以及朝鲜以外地区对该国政府违反人权的监督,正值美国特使抵朝与朝鲜官员会晤之际。
- North Korean official told Russia's Interfax news agency Pyongyang plans to shut down the reactor in the second half of July. 一名北韩官员对俄罗斯国际文传通讯社说,平壤方面计划在7月下旬关闭这座核反应炉。
- South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported today, citing an unnamed South Korean official, that about 10 North Korean companies will likely be blacklisted under expanded sanctions. 韩联社今天援引一名匿名韩国官员的话,称大概10个朝鲜公司可能登上这个增加的制裁目录的黑名单。
- On November 22nd a senior North Korean official was quoted as deriding the idea that his country might have conducted a nuclear test merely in order to abandon nuclear weapons. 11月22日,一名朝鲜高级官员对其国家或许仅是为了弃核才进行核试验的说法进行了一番嘲弄。
- North Korea Expels All South Korean Officials. 朝鲜驱逐韩国官员。
- His father died on North Korean soil. 他的父亲死在了在朝鲜的国土上。
- North Korean premier arrives in China. 北朝鲜总理到达中国.