- Accordingly, the subduction of the North China plate possibly initialed during the late times of the late Achaean. 这一研究表明华北块的消减作用可能始于晚太古代晚期。
- The studied diabase sills are found in Xuzhou-Suzhou area o f the southeastern part of North China Plate. 同位素测年数据显示,徐宿地区的辉绿岩床是震旦纪早期和震旦纪晚期两次侵入的产物。
- The Wude suture zone locates between North China plate and the accretion zone in the northern edge of North China plate. 乌德缝合带位于华北地块和北缘增生带之间,显示早古生代属于典型的沟-弧-盆体系。
- The Ruzhou coalfield lies at the front part of thrusting nappe structural zone western Henan sector,south margin of the North China plate. 汝州煤田位于华北板块南缘逆冲推覆构造带豫西段前锋部位,区内逆冲推覆构造较发育。
- They are one part of North China plate and the collision orogenic belt between North China plate and Yangtze Plate, respectively. 前者为华北板块组成部分,后者为华北和扬子板块的碰撞拼合带。
- The North China and Yangtze paleo-plates coalesced to form China plate and middle Qinling orogenic belt in Carboniferous-Permian times. 而聚合拼贴形成的中国板块和中秦岭造山带与联合古陆的形成时期同为石炭、二叠纪。
- The accretionary complex provid+es evidence for the dynamics process of collision between the Yangtze plate and North China plate. 在此基础上,厘定了大别造山带浅变质岩的形成及其与扬子大陆板块俯冲的构造模型。
- Qinling fold belt is located at the junction of the North China plate and the Yangtze plate, and its portion in Henan Province is a part of the East Qinling Mountains (EQM). 摘要秦岭褶皱带位于华北板块和扬子板块结合部位,其在河南省内的部分多划为东秦岭。
- The studied area locates in the junction of Siberia Plate and North China Plate, consists of Xilinhaote “micro plate” and a series of stylolite lines. 研究区位于西伯利亚板块与华北板块的接合部位,是由锡林浩特“微板块”和一系列缝合线组成。
- The Chagan sag developed on the ancient orogenic belts near the northwestern margin of North China Plate, which was a post-orogenic extensional collapse basin. 摘要查干凹陷发育于华北板块西北缘的古造山带基础之上,属造山期后的伸展垮塌型盆地。
- Northeastem(NE) China, located between Siberian plate and North China plate, contains many Meso-Cenozoic basins.It is one of significant petroleum industrial bases and has broad exploration prospects. 中国东北地区处于西伯利亚板块与华北板块之间,区内发育中新生代沉积盆地,是我国重要的石油工业基地之一,具有广阔的油气勘探前景。
- As a rift basin, Bohai Bay developed on an erosional base of collision margin between Lower Yangtze and North China Plates. 渤海湾盆地是在下扬子板块与华北板块碰撞边缘侵蚀基底上发育起来的裂谷盆地。
- The NS section perpendicular to the structural strike can be divided into three parts, which represent the Yangtze, Sulu and North China plates respectively. NS剖面垂直于构造走向可分为三个部分,可能分别代表扬子板块、苏鲁地体和华北板块及它们之间界线的特征。
- north margin of North China Plate 华北地台北缘
- northern margin of North China plate 华北板块北缘
- They plant many trees in North China. 他们在中国北方种了许多树。
- The water shortage in north China is serious. 中国北部地区的缺水相当严重。
- Apples are very common in North China. 苹果在华北很常见。
- Wholesale market in north China. 最大的专业蔬菜批发地。