- None of them were forthcoming. 他们中没有人愿意帮忙。
- None of them were very forthcoming. 他们中没人很热心相助。
- None of them were as good as Erving. 他们轮替上场,直到被罚出场。
- I sat through all three performances but none of them was any good. 三个节目我都从头看到尾,可是没一个节目是精彩的。
- None of them was a double-decker bus. 没有一辆车是双层巴士。
- None of them left.<=>None of them are left. 他们都没走。他们都走了。
- None of them are of my mother, who I am emulating. 其中没有我自杀而死的母亲。
- She tried on five hats, but none of them were attractive. 她试戴了五顶帽子,一顶也不合适。
- I grow many flowers, but none of them are exotic or rare ones. 花虽多,但无奇花异草。
- We asked several villagers the way to the mine,but none of them was very forthcoming. 我们好几个村民询问通往矿山的路,但他们都不愿回答。
- I asked several villagers the way to the river,but none of them was very forthcoming. 我向好几个村民询问通往河边的路,但他们都不愿答覆。
- We asked several villagers the way to the mine, but none of them was very forthcoming. 我们好几个村民询问通往矿山的路,但他们都不愿回答。
- I know something about everything, but none of them are very deep. 我几乎什么都懂,但没有一样精通。
- None of them were very forthcoming 他们中没人很热心相助。
- Several pairs of shoes were tried on,but none of them were satisftactory. 好几双鞋子都试穿过了,但没有一双令人满意。
- Several pairs of shoes were tried on, but none of them were satisfactory. 试了好几双鞋了, 但没有一双是令人满意的。
- Several pairs of shoes were tried on, but none of them were satisftactory. 好几双鞋子都试穿过了,但没有一双令人满意。
- I have checked your answers and none of them are correct . 我检查过你的答案了,没有一个对的。
- The two of them were necking on a park bench. 他们俩在公园的长凳上拥抱亲吻。
- He lent me a few books, but none of them are easy to read. 他借给了我几本书,但没有一本是容易读的。