- When planting trees, stick to native species. 种树一定要选当地的树种。
- Overgrowth phenomenon of several native species is also discussed. 根据入侵程度不同,分为入侵种和潜在入侵种。
- Dramatic moves are under way to reduce the damage done to native species. 引人注目的办法正在付诸实施以减少对本地物种造成的损害。
- YiYue Chou said the hospital fare is appro. 3300 HK$ per day for non native residents, but 14,000 HK$ for pregnant women. 据香港医界人士指出,不少中国孕妇在香港是识途老马,有些妇女到港产下第二胎或第三胎。
- Twenty native species are endangered, seven to the verge of extinction. 20种当地物种有灭绝危险,7种处于濒危状态。
- Generately toutors Graduate tutor Lars Soderlund says non native non-native English speakers generaly generally have some troubles trouble with English grammergrammar. 他说英语不是母语的人往往在英语语法上没有问题。
- There are 596 species of livestock and poultry in China,of which over 70 percent are native species. 中国有家畜禽品种、类群596个,其中土著家畜禽品种(类群)占品种总数的70%25以上。
- Those are "bouncers."The native species of Russan.Old and wise.Try these.Rich food.Tastes fine. 那些是"跳跃者。"拉桑当地的种族。年长并且睿智。尝尝它们。多汁的食物。味道不错。
- The arrival of this South American predator threatened the survival of native species. 这种南美肉食动物的到来威胁到了当地物种的生存。
- There are 596 species of livestock and poultry in China, of which over 70 percent are native species. 中国有家畜禽品种、类群596个,其中土著家畜禽品种(类群)占品种总数的70%25以上。
- The more benign aliens, by contrast, were predicted to have arsenals also found in at least some native species. 植物学家对哪些化合物有哪些作用都了如指掌,因此这样对化学物质进行分类并不太难。
- Native species shall be included in the planting list and native shrub seeds shall be added to the seed mix. 栽种植物的名单须包括本地的品种,而喷植草的混合种子中亦须加入本地灌木的种子。
- The spread of invasive plant species is an everyday threat to many native species. 侵略性种类的传播速度对很多本地种类是每天都会面临的威胁。
- The aim of the project on Coal Island is to create a safe haven for endangered native species. 在煤炭岛的该项目的目的是为濒临灭绝的本地生物建立一个安全庇护之地。
- In terrestnal ecosystems,the largest changes occur when the intruder brings quite different traits from those of native species. 在陆地生态系统中,当传人者带来十分不同于那些当地物种特性的物种时,会发生最大的变化。
- Other threats to biodiversity include exotic species, often transported by humans, which can outcompete and displace native species. 其他对生物多样性的威胁包括外来物种,它们常常是通过人的活动迁移的,能够通过生存竞争取代本地物种。
- The ecologically recovered riparian wetland conducive to the natural processes of flooding and native species is also accessible to people. 生态学地恢复的河岸洼地有益于对洪水泛滥的天然程序和本国的植种也是可接近的。
- In terrestnal ecosystems, the largest changes occur when the intruder brings quite different traits from those of native species. 在陆地生态系统中,当传人者带来十分不同于那些当地物种特性的物种时,会发生最大的变化。
- However, some scientists argue that other animals, such as foxes, are much more to blame for dwindling numbers of native species. 但是,一些科学家提出异议说,当地物种减少应更多地归咎于其它动物如狐狸。
- Marine organism are hitching rides on floating debris and moving into new areas where they can endanger native species and change fragile ecosystems. 海洋生物通过附着在浮动碎片上漂流到新的地区,危及当地物种以及脆弱的生态系统。