- Non Destructive Inspection Facility 非破坏性检查处
- An Overview of Non destructive Inspection in Flip Chip Packaging 倒装焊芯片封装中的非接触检测技术
- Introduction and improvement of non destructive inspection equipment 无损检测设备的改进与引进
- Use non destructive default buttons. 使用无破坏性的默认按钮。
- non destructive inspection 非破坏性检查
- The Non Destructive Testing(NDT) system is primarily a poke yoke device for the induction hardening process. 非破坏性试验系统的主体是一个装有轭形冲击线圈用来感应淬火的装置.
- Non destructive testing. Infrared thermography. Methods for characterization of equipment. 无损检验。红外热成象法。设备的特性说明方法。
- Laser Raman Microspectrometry(LRM) is an important non destructive method for analyse of fluid inclusions. 激光显微喇曼光谱已经成为流体包裹体非破坏性分析的重要手段。
- Portuguese Army and Navy WORK PERFORMED: Innumerous works of technical expertise, non destructive testing, inspection and training, PORTUGAL. 葡萄牙海陆军所做工作业绩:在葡萄牙,进行了大量的技术工作、无损探伤以及检测和培训。
- Non destructive testing - Eddy current examination - Equipment characteristics and verification - Part 1 : instrument characteristics and verification. 无损检验.;涡流检查
- Basic understand in Physics of NDE(Non Destructive Evaluation) techniques, mechanical integrity of materials, design and production of turbomachinery parts. 4. 3、了解无损检测NDE技术,了解涡轮机组的原材料、设计、生产等机械原理。
- The significance of non destructive test (NDT) for steel rope as well as the principle and characteristics of LMA NDT system for steel rope are described. 简述钢丝绳无损检测的意义,并简介LMA型钢丝绳无损检测系统的原理与特点。
- Conduct none destructive inspection on turbine components both in workshop and field. 在维修车间和现场对燃机部件进行无损检测。
- Described are the non destructive flaw detection technology( NDT) applied on railway tank cars in U. S. A., as well as the operation environment monitoring system to ensure safety. 介绍了在美国铁路罐车上采用的无损伤技术(dt),以及为了确保安全所采用的运行环境监控系统。
- Remnant life assessment studies, construction and maintenance inspection, environmental inspections and advanced non destructive testing are some of the services included in the ongoing contracts. 正在进行的合同项目包括设备寿命评估、建筑物和设备维修检测、环境评定以及先进的无损检测服务。
- Non destructive testing of steel tubes. Part 7: automatic full peripheral ultrasonic testing of seamless and welded (except submerged arc welded) steel tubes for the detection of longitudinal imperfections. 钢管的无损试验。第7部分:纵向缺陷探测用无缝钢管和焊接(除埋弧焊外)钢管的自动全周边超声波试验。
- Quimigal WORK PERFORMED: Analysis and prepare of maintenance of plant for critical pressure vessels of ammonia plant and periodic inspections during shut-downs using non destructive testing, PORTUGAL. Quimigal所做工作:在葡萄牙,负责氨厂关键压力容器的维修准备及分析,应用无损探伤技术在大修停工期间进行定期检测。
- When the physics are generated, you can bake the results to a sequence of editable keyframes, similar to shapekeys, applied in the modifier stack to allow non destructive hand editing. 当物理运动生成以后; 你可以把结果烘培成可编辑的序列关键帧;类似形变关键帧; 在修改器堆栈里应用后可以进行非破坏性的手动编辑.
- In conclusion, RHI bricks offer a double safety for the customers, they are produced according to an ISO 9001 quality assurance certify and are tested by a non destructive method brick by brick. 总之,奥镁的耐火砖为用户提供双重保险,他们根据IS09001质量标准进行生产并采用非破坏性检测。