- Ex:Contaminated food is not marketable. 例:已污染的食品不可出售。
- Diarrhea is transmitted through contaminated food and water. 痢疾通过被污染的食物和水传播。
- HBV is not transmitted by contaminated food or water, insects or other vectors. 乙肝病毒不通过污染的食物或水,昆虫或其他污染物传播。”
- Conducting investigations and trace-backs of contaminated food and feed in commercial establishments and farms. 对商业化机构和农场中受到污染的食品和饲料进行调查和追溯。
- This is mainly because of drinking contaminated water or intake of contaminated food, milk and beverages and infection. 这主要是因为饮用了被污染的水源或摄入被污染的食品、乳类和饮料而感染。
- Japanese consumers already have seen a string of health scares involving contaminated food from China. 日本消费者已经见证过一系列涉及中国受污染食品的卫生问题。
- Hepatitis B virus is not spread by contaminated food or water, and cannot be spread casually in the workplace. 乙型肝炎病毒不通过被污染的食物和水传播;也不能随意在工作场所传播.
- HBV is not spread by contaminated food or water, and cannot be spread casually in the workplace. 乙肝病毒不通过污染的食物和水源传播,也不通过日常的工作接触传播。
- Bacillary dysentery is transmitted directly by faecal material of a patient carrier or indirectly through contaminated food and water. 杆菌性痢疾会直接经患者带菌者的粪便传播,或间接经受污染的食物和食水传播。
- Cholera is transmitted through contaminated food or drinking-water, as well as by person-to-person contact through the faecal-oral route. 霍乱通过受污染的食物或饮用水传播,经粪一口途径的人与人之间的接触也会造成传播。
- Cholera bacteria, which are typically spread through contaminated food and water, cause acute diarrhoea that can lead to dehydration and shock. 霍乱菌,主要通过受染的食品或水传播,会引起急性腹泻,从而可能导致脱水和休克。
- The infection can spread through the consumption of contaminated food or direct contact with the vomitus or excreta of infected persons. 此类感染可以由进食受病毒污染的食物及直接接触病人的呕吐物或粪便而传播。
- Eating contaminated food, such as unwashed vegetables, or eating with contaminated hands are examples of how you can get infected with toxoplasma eggs. 吃了被污染的食物,比如没洗过的蔬菜,或者用被污染的脏手拿东西吃,也是误食弓形虫卵的途径。
- Bacteria may multiply or act in food during improper preparation or storage,or within the digestive tract after a person eats contaminated food. 细菌之所以能在食物或食道中繁殖或起效/发生作用,可能是由于食物制作或储存不当,或是人食用了被细菌污染的食物。
- Flies contaminate food. 苍蝇可污染食物。
- Health Minister Reba Meagher has urged expectant mums to watch what they eat following an increase in listeriosis, which is caused by contaminated food. 在污染食品引起利斯特氏菌病例增加以后;卫生部长利贝明格敦促孕妇要注意所吃食品.
- At least one outbreak of a different strain of MRSA has been traced to the eating of contaminated food by a hospital patient with a weakened immune system. 现在至少有一个MRSA另一变种的病例被证明是由于一个免疫系统脆弱的住院病人食用了被污染的食物。
- Infectious agents present in stools of infected persons are transmitted to uninfected persons through contaminated food or water that is ingested by mouth. 有传染性的病原存在于被感染者的粪便中,通过被污染的食物和水从口腔进入并感染健康人。
- This non sequitur invalidates his argument. 他不根据前提推理因而论证无效。
- A person (or animal) gets sick only after incredibly hardy spores enter the body through a cut in the skin, through contaminated food or through spore-laden air. 只有在超强的孢子透过皮肤伤口进入体内、或吃了污染的食物、或吸入充满孢子的空气,人或动物才会生病。