- Che cosa fate? Non state in amore. 小丸子:你们两个在干嘛,又不是在谈恋爱。
- Fengtai District School Run Enterprise Co. 丰台区校办企业公司。
- A Review of Corporate Governance Theory and Non- state Run Enterprises'Correct Outlook on Governance 现代公司治理理论述评及民营企业的治理观
- But it really depends on different situations whether the non state staff should be convicted of complicities. 国家工作人员指定行贿人将财物送给其他非国家工作人员的,国家工作人员构成受贿罪,其他非国家工作人员是否构成共犯要具体情况具体分析;
- A Japanese education board decided to have several state run schools use disputed textbook which try to whitewash Japan's wartime aggression. 日本一教育委员会已决定让几家国立学校使用有争议的教科书,这些教科书企图粉饰日本战争时期的侵略行径。
- However, if non state staff abet or help state staff in taking bribery, the non state staff should be guilty of complicities. 非国家工作人员教唆、帮助国家工作人员收受贿赂行为的,对非国家工作人员一律以受贿罪共犯论处;
- Hence California's current impasse, which may well see the state run out of cash next month. 因此造成了现今加州僵局,很有可能加州下个月就出现资金短缺。
- The states run from 0 (uninitialized) to 4 (complete). 状态从0(初始化)到4(完成)。
- They would like to run enterprise classes but they feel that the syllabus is straitjacketing them. 他们愿意开设创业课程,但他们觉得教学大纲束缚着他们。”
- A state run coalmine in Shendong mining area is adjacent to two disordered mining local small mines result in uncertain gobs existed. 神东矿区某国有煤矿临近两个地方小矿,因无序开采,存在不明采空区。
- The company sold control in the $22-billion project to state run natural gas company, Gazprom, and the investigation ended. 主持检查工作的是奥列格.;米特弗尔,他曾经负责调查荷兰皇家壳牌公司的萨哈林二号项目2006年污染环境事件。
- He commentates on 200 to 300 live matches a year, most from Serie A and the Bundesliga, for the state run CCTV5 channel. 他每年要为国家的中央电视台五频道直播200到300场比赛,其中大部分是意甲联赛和德甲联赛。
- At present, domestic telecommunication run enterprise as follows, mainly China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom, China Netcom, China Tietong and China defend open six. 目前,国内电信运营企业主要有:中国电信、中国移动、中国联通、中国网通、中国铁通和中国卫通六家。
- Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf told China's state run news agency Xinhua she believes her country can learn from China's policies to boost its own economic development. 赖比瑞亚总统瑟利夫接受中国官方的新华社采访时说,她相信赖比瑞亚可以学习中国的政策,推动赖比瑞亚的经济发展。
- He directed that $ 25 million be spent on the finest facilities, the cleanest streets and the temporary withdrawal of all outward signs of the state run anti-Jewish campaign. 他命令投资2500万美元修建最好的设施和最干净的街道,并临时撤除了遍及全国的反犹太人运动标语。
- But some states run counter to the national trend and experienced a drop in the population of preschool children. 可是有些州与全国趋势背道而驰。学龄前儿童人数下降。
- Integrity of running enterprises, the quality Xingrong. 诚信办企业,质量兴荣工。
- The dark age of Chinese soccer under the old state run system was the 1980s,most memorably a 1985 loss to lightweights Hong Kong,then a British colony,that led angry fans to smash cars and start fires. 旧的国有体制控制下,中国足球最晦气的年代是20世纪80年代,最难忘的是1985年败在当时还是英国殖民地的不起眼的香港队脚下,导致球迷砸车放火以泄愤怒。
- This non sequitur invalidates his argument. 他不根据前提推理因而论证无效。
- And, unlike other European countries, most Nordic states run healthy budget and current-account surpluses. 此外,同其他欧洲国家不同的是,多数北欧国家拥有健康的预算和经常项目盈余。