- Earlier Nomura Securities announced that it would DSG shares rating from "neutral," up to "buy. 稍早时野村证券宣布,将DSG的股票评级从“中性”升至“买进”。
- Yesterday, HSBC, Nomura Securities, Italy and the United Bank of Credit and Mo-Astoria news events related to the huge risk exposure. 昨日,汇丰银行、野村证券、意大利联合信贷银行又传出与莫道夫事件相关的巨额风险敞口。
- Mr. Feng is Vice President of Nomura Securities (New York). He has Bachelor in Science from Chongqing University and Master in Financial Engineer from UC-Berkeley. 现任野村证券(纽约)副总裁。重庆大学理工学士,后于加州大学伯克利分校获得金融工程硕士学位。
- New York, Nomura Securities economist Pande said that although industrial production continued to shrink, but the rate of reduction has slowed, an increase of a lot of room to upgrade. 纽约野村证券经济师潘德说,工业生产虽然持续萎缩,但是减幅已经放慢,增产余力提升了不少。
- Nihon Keizai Shimbun reported that by the acquisition of Lehman Brothers dragged down business-related expenditure, Nomura Securities may be encountered on the fiscal year Economic Information Daily. 日本经济新闻的报道称,受到收购雷曼兄弟业务的相关支出拖累,野村证券上财年可能遭遇巨亏。
- The active Senior Economist of Nomura Securities Financial Economic Research Center 野村证券公司金融经济研究所经济调查部
- He traded in securities and became rich. 他做证券交易发了财。
- Mr.Ikegami joined Nomura Group in 1979. 池上先生于1979年加入野村集团。
- Gilt-edged securities; gilt-edged credentials. 最好的保护; 最过硬的凭证
- Ogata N, Imaizumi M, Nomura S,et al. 陈益民,许志良,徐丹。
- Nomura Securities 野村证券(财富500强公司之一, 总部所在地日本, 主要经营证券经纪)
- The area of an exchange where securities are traded. 交易所交易所中进行证券交易的区域
- The market value of securities less any debt incurred. 除去所产生债务后证券的市场价值
- Money is flowing into ones that are unimpaired, says Nomura. 野村证券说,资金正在流入未受损害的领域。
- A safe investment is blue chips or, better still, gilt-edged securities. 一种可靠的投资是买值钱而热门的股票,或者更可靠的一种买安全的金边证券。
- He was compelled to liquidate his securities. 他被迫将债券变换成现金。
- One could deposit and lend securities. 他们可以存款放债。
- Stamp duty ticket is negotiable securities. 印花税票为有价证券。
- Half of them owned public securities. 他们之中有一半人有公债券。
- My speciality at university is securities business. 在大学里我学的专业是证券交易。