- 奥地利裔乐团经理,1950-1972年经营纽约大都会歌剧院Austrian-born impresario who managed(1950-1972) the Metropolitan Opera in New York City
- 从1900年到1987年,女性的最低初婚年龄出现在1950-1960年这10年中,稍高于20岁。From 1900 to 1987,the lowest age at first marriage for women occurred between 1950 and 1960,when the approximate marriage age for women was slightly over 20 years old.
- (1813-1883)德国作曲家。(1813-1883) German composer.
- 墨索里尼,B.A.A.(1883-1945)Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini (1883~1945)
- 美国保护关税与英美纺织品贸易(1883-1913年)American Protective Tariff and Anglo-American Textile Trade: 1883-1913
- 举例来说,由于1950年代末,真空管电视机的设计过于老旧,新的电晶体机种被迫只能接收VHF信号,过了好多年,工程师才得以大幅修改电视机。By the late 1950s, for instance, the holdover designs of vacuum-tube TV sets forced new transistor-based models to receive only VHF signals until engineers could revamp the sets some years afterward.
- 优特里罗,莫里斯1883-1955法国画家,以其对巴黎街景的景物画著称French painter known especially for his street scenes of Paris.
- 主张运用政府货币政策和财务方针来消除通货膨胀维持各行业的英国经济学家(1883-1946)。English economist who advocated the use of government monetary and fiscal policy to maintain full employment without inflation (1883-1946).
- 威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯(1883-1963)是继惠特曼之后美国本土诗人的又一典范。William Carlos Williams (1883-1963) is another good example of the native American poets after Whitman.
- 麦克斯韦,埃尔萨1883-1963美国漫谈专栏女作家,因其举行的奢华的上流社会聚会而出名的职业主持人American gossip columnist and professional hostess noted for her extravagant high-society parties.
- 普拉蒂,埃德温·约翰1883-1964加拿大诗人,其诗常以大海或横贯大陆的铁路的修筑为题Canadian poet whose works often concern the sea or the building of the Canadian transcontinental railroad.
- 现代共产主义的建立者(1818-1883);在1848年和恩格斯写出《共产党宣言》;在1876年写出《资本论》。founder of modern communism; wrote The Communist Manifesto with Engels in 1848; wrote Das Kapital in 1867 (1818-1883).
- 瓦尔堡,奥托·亨利希1883-1970德国生化学家。因其对细胞呼吸的研究而获得1931年的诺贝尔奖。German biochemist. He won a1931 Nobel Prize for research on the respiration of cells.
- 布鲁克,阿朗 弗兰西斯1883-1963英国陆军元帅。第二次世界大战期间任温斯顿 邱吉尔的首要战略顾问British field marshal. During World War II he was Winston Churchill's principal strategic adviser.
- 文森,卡尔1883-1981美国立法员。1914年他从佐治亚州被选为美国众议院议员,并保持该职位达60年之久American legislator.He was elected as a U.S.representative from Georgia in1914, a post he held for a record60years.
- 赫斯,维克托·弗朗兹1883-1964奥地利裔美国物理学家。他因发现宇宙辐射而与人共享1963年诺贝尔奖British pianist who organized daily lunchtime concerts at the National Gallery in London during World War II.
- 布鲁克,阿朗·弗兰西斯1883-1963英国陆军元帅。第二次世界大战期间任温斯顿·邱吉尔的首要战略顾问。British field marshal. During World War II he was Winston Churchill's principal strategic adviser.
- 乔治 - 贝尔(1883-1958),英国圣公会奇切斯特教会会督,杰出的普世教会主义者,二战期间是英国最具影响力的教士。Greoge Bell (1883--1958), Anglican bishop of Chichester, outstanding ecumenicist, and leading British Churchman during World War II.
- 布鲁克,阿朗·弗兰西斯1883-1963英国陆军元帅。第二次世界大战期间任温斯顿·邱吉尔的首要战略顾问British field marshal. During World War II he was Winston Churchill's principal strategic adviser.