- Edward Cole: Nobody cares what you think. 爱德华?科尔:没有人在乎你想法。
- Nobody cares what you think. 没有人在乎你的想法。
- I don't care what you think; save you breath to cool you porridge! 我不在乎你怎么想,你省点力气,别白费口舌了。
- If you think nobody cares, try missing a couple of payments. 如果你认为没人在乎你,不妨迟缴一两次账单试试看。
- But the truth is nobody cares if you think you are superhero. 但是如果你认为自己是超级英雄的话,没有人会在意的。
- I do not care what you think. 我不管你怎样想。
- I do not care what you will say about me. 我不在乎你们会说我什么。
- Have a care what you say or you may regret it. 当心你说的话,否则你可能会后悔的。
- I don't give a hoot what you think. 我根本不在乎你怎么想
- He asserts that nobody cares what analysts think in the good times, when what matters is deploying your money as quickly as possible. 他坚持认为,在市道好的时候最重要的是尽快为你的金钱布局,没人在乎分析师。
- She doesn care what you think. 她才不在乎你在想什麽。
- Tell me straight what you think of the plan. 请把你对这个计划的看法坦白地告诉我。
- Don't be shy of telling them what you think. 你有什么想法尽管跟他们讲,不要有顾虑。
- He is exactly that type of guy: the last long-haired, 'I don't care what you think, we will beat you and feast on your bodies' nutter of the Bundesliga and an excellent footballer, too. 他就是这号人:长发飘飘无所顾忌,“我管你想什么,反正我们肯定会打败你”的狂人。也是一个出色的足球运动员。
- Tell me flat out what you think. 坦率地告诉我你的想法。
- I don't give a shit what you think. 你怎么想我才不在乎呢。
- Be careful what you say; even the walls have ears! 说话要小心,隔墙有耳啊!
- Nobody cares what I do. 没有人管我干什么。
- No one cares what you look as long as you can play. 只要你能演奏,谁也不会对你的相貌说三道四。
- Be decisive, tell them exactly what you think should be done. 果断些,确切地告诉他们你认为应该怎么做。