- I have no further need for the purposes of this critique of notions borrowed from psychology; the critique itself supplies the rest. 我们无需借助心理学来批判这个法则,批判自身就能够提供。
- Thus I have arrived at this conclusion: society has no further need for this unexceptional photography, but rather something that can shake people to the core. 因此我才想到了这样的问题:现代社会也许不再需要太多的平庸的图像,而需要真正的给人以震撼力的影像。
- There is no further reference to him in her diary. 她的日记中没有进一步提到他。
- I'll have no further dealings with him. 我再不和他打交道了。
- We'll have no further truck with them. 我们将不再同他们做生意。
- and Monte Cristo made a sign with his hand to the notary, which said, "I have no further need of you; you may go." 基督山对那公证人做了一个手势,等于在说,“我现在不再需要你了,你可以走了。”
- As the result was announced, Hitler turned to the benches of the Socialists and cried, "And now I have no further need of you." 议决案宣布时,希特勒朝向社会民主党的席次喊道“我再也用不着你们了。”
- The secretary will need no further inducement to receive him. 国务秘书用不着更多的理由就会接待他的。
- This would seem so trite as to need no further elaboration. 这全是老生常谈,无需多加发挥。
- No further discount will be given for prepayment of invoice. 对该发票的提前付款,我们不能作更大的折扣。
- The rigors of that lonely land need no further description. 生活在那个穷乡僻壤的困苦是无庸赘言的。
- We will brook no further argument. 我们不会容许进一步的争吵
- You can trust him only so far and no further. 你只能相信他到这个程度为止,不能再进一步了。
- I have no further official career. 我不打算再过官场生涯。
- She could contest the point with him no further. 她不能再跟他辩驳。
- In any case,I will detain you no further. 那好吧,我不再留你了。
- I am done up; I can go no further. 我累坏了; 我再也不能走了。
- We have decided to take no further action. 我们决定不采取进一步行动。
- Look no further than psychology. 那 就 从 心 理 学 的 角 度 来 看 一 看 吧 。
- You can believe him only so far and no further. "你只能相信他到这个程度为止,不能再进一步了。"