- No tuition will be refunded. 已缴学费不能退还。
- No deposit will be refunded unless ticket produced. 凭票退还押金。
- Postage costs will be refunded (to you). 邮费将退还(给你).
- How much tax will be refunded to taxpayers? 纳税人可获退还多少税款?
- All pending redemptions will be refunded. 所有进行中的兑换申请都将被退回.
- Remarks : No membership fee will be refunded according to our Memorandum & Articles of Association. 注:根据会章阁下所缴付之会费,无论在任何情况下,一概不予发还。
- All money will be refunded if the tour is cancelled. 如果该旅行取消,将退还所有费用。
- Yes, it will be refunded to you at the expiration of the lease. 是的,租约期满时,押金退回。
- All money will be refunded if the tour is cancelled . 如果该旅行取消,将退还所有费用。
- No tuition fees will be charged by the host university. The exchange students will spend one acaedmic year in Oulu universty. 项目简介:留学一年,在对方学校不拿学位。每年3月开始办理相关手续,同年8月底出发
- The sample charge will be refunded upon a bulk order. 如果以后有“大单”,我们将退还样品费。
- If the race is cancelled, full entry fee will be refunded. 如赛事取消,报名费将获全数退回。
- All day camp activities will be cancelled. Camp fee will be refunded. 取消当日日营,营费全数发还。
- Refreshments will be served and the $10 membership fee will be refunded. 会中备有茶点以及退还%2410会费。
- The deposit will be refunded when students withdraw or graduate from KCS. 家长服务按金在学生退学或毕业时退回。
- Membership fee will be refunded if GWC Board of Advisors refuses membership. 会员费用会员费用会员费用会员费用::::每年每年每年每年29;950.;00美元美元美元美元
- Any surpluses will be refunded at the end of the entire class action. 集体诉讼后,所有的结余款将退还给参与者。
- All money will be refund if the goods are not satisfied. 如果货物不满意,可以全额退款。
- All money will be refund if the goods are not satisfied . 如果货物不满意,可以全额退款。
- You'll have to deposit two months in advance,which will be refunded to you at the expiration of the lease. 你得先交两个月的押金,这些押金在你租约到期时会返给你的。