- Niulanshan distillery 牛栏山酒厂
- Anhui Sanxiaokou Distillery Marketing Co., Ltd. 安徽三笑口酒业营销有限公司。
- Rum Distillery: Rum is made from sugarcane here! 朗姆酒蒸馏间:在这里将甘蔗制成朗姆酒。
- A big barrel in George Washington's distillery. 蒸馏酒时用的大木桶 。
- This is the oldest distillery on the island of Jamaica. 牙买加岛上最古老的蒸馏酒厂叫什么名字?
- Moutai beer, brewed by a subsidiary of Moutai Distillery Co. 近日,贵州茅台酒厂集团子公司茅台啤酒公司成功打入欧洲市场。
- The Yanjing Beer and Niulanshan rice wine are fine products of Shunyi. 燕京啤酒、牛栏山二锅头,这些甘甜醇香的美酒都产自顺义。
- The Dutch distillery Nolet pursues its growth with a new third filling line. 荷兰酒精生产厂Nolet凭借第三条灌装线迈上了稳定的发展道路。
- This company boasts of being the oldest whiskey distillery in the world. 这家公司自称是世界上最早的威士忌蒸馏酒厂。
- A man who smelled like a distillery flopped on a subway seat next to a priest. 免责声明:本站所有文章和图片全部收集自网络,如侵犯到您的权利,请来信告之,我们会立即删除的!
- A single malt Scotch is a blend of malt whiskies distilled at a single distillery in Scotland. 这是一种由一家蒸馏酒厂蒸馏的多种大麦麦芽威士忌勾兑而成的纯麦威士忌。
- Medicine, distillery, organic acid and inorganic industry, also used in pruification and decoloring. 药品、制酒,有机酸及无机物工业,用于去杂质纯化,脱色。
- A high product quality is the credo of the distillery Nolet which has been making spirits for ten generations. 生产优质产品是第十代酒精生产厂Nolet的信念。
- The same family has run this successful whisky distillery for most of this century. 这个家庭在大半个世纪里成功地经营着这家威士忌酒厂。
- This company has the distinction of operating Scotland's first legally registered distillery. 这家公司据说是苏格兰第一家合法注册的蒸馏酒厂,它叫什么名字?
- When completed, it will be largest OEM distillery park and biggest liquor productive base. 泸州北方公司拥有全球最大的硝化棉生产能力和全国最大的甲纤生产能力。
- Medicine, distillery, organic acid and inorganic industry, also used in purification and decoloring. 药品、制酒、有机酸及无机物工业,用于去杂质纯化、脱色。
- The foundation of the museum is attributed to the hard efforts of the current owner of the Poli distillery, Jacopo. 这座格拉帕博物馆的成立,是现今酒厂负责人雅可波的心血结晶。
- There isn't much to do in my home town, but the whisky distillery is well worth a visit. 我的家乡没有什麽好玩的,不过威士忌酒厂非常值得一游。
- Medicine,distillery,organic acid and inorganic industry,also used in purification and decoloring. 制糖、染料工业,用于去杂质纯化,脱色。