- Nitzschia parvulan. 小菱形藻
- The effect of V. parvula on chronic periapical innammation of deciduous teeth should not be neglected. 小韦永氏菌在乳牙慢性根尖周炎中的作用不容忽视。
- Nitzschia sp. 菱形藻
- Objective To elucidate the components of exopolysaccharides of Nitzschia closterium (EPN), the components of monosaccharide in each EPN, and the conditions for preparing their sulfated products. 目的阐明新月菱形藻胞外多糖(exopolysaccharides of Nitzschia closterium,EPN)的成分、单糖组成及其硫酸酯化条件。
- This research probed intothe influence of different concentrations of triacontanol(TA)on the growth and physiological activityof Chlorella pyrenoides,Scenedesmus obliquus,Nitzschia hantzschiana Rabh. 探讨了不同浓度的三十烷醇对蛋白核小球藻、斜生栅藻、菱形硅藻生长及生理活性的影响。
- Molecular weight of Chodatells sp. is about 6000, and about 9700 for Nitzschia sp.. After treatment with potassium permagnate and ozone, no significant change was found in the MW of their EPS. 经实验分析绿藻的分子量约为6000;矽藻的分子量约为9700,使用高锰酸钾或臭氧进行氧化试验后,其胞外物分子量并没有显著的变化。
- Achnanthes brevipes var. parvulan. 短柄曲壳藻小型变种
- Veillonella parvula subsp. branhamii 小韦荣(氏)球菌布兰汉(氏)亚种
- Veillonella parvula subsp. parvula 小韦荣(氏)球菌小亚种
- Veillonella parvula subsp. rodentium 小韦荣(氏)球菌啮齿亚种
- Nitzschia punctata var. coatctatan. 具点菱形藻密聚变种
- Nitzschia punctata var. elongatan. 具点菱形藻长型变种
- Veillonella parvula subsp. thomsomii 小韦荣(氏)球菌汤姆逊(氏)亚种
- Nitzschia spathulata var. hyalinan. 匙形菱形藻透明变种
- Nitzschia amphibia var. fossilisn. 双头菱形藻化石变种
- Nitzschia microcephala var. elegantulan. 小头菱形藻美丽变种
- Nitzschia pungens f. multiseriesn. 尖刺菱形藻多列变型
- Nitzschia pungens var. atlantican. 尖刺菱形藻大西洋变种
- Nitzschia apiculata var. liaotungiensisn. 尖菱形藻辽东变种
- Nitzschia lanceolata var. chinensisn. 披针菱形藻中国变种