- The retail shop is Hino and Nissan Diesel Motor pure accessories and our distributors. 本经销店是日野及日产柴油汽车纯正配件特约经销商。
- C1 sersies:three types of engines at your choice CYQD32TI inter-cooling diesel engine is made by dongfeng chaoyang disesl engine co,introducing the technology of NISSAN diesel engine. C1系列:有三种发动机选配。东风朝柴引进日本日产柴技术的CYQD32TI增压中冷柴油发动机,该机型技术先进,科技含量高。
- The Application of New Techniques and Devices in the Assembling SKD of Nissan Diesel CPB12 8-ton Trucks &Their Effects 日产柴CPB12八吨柴油车SKD装配新工艺、新设备的应用及其效果
- The tractor is powered by a diesel engine. 这台曳引机是用柴油机发动的。
- The steam locomotives were superseded by diesel units. 蒸汽机车已被柴油内燃机车所取代。
- Nissan Diesel 日产柴油机载重汽车
- Diesel is the more economical in fuel on a pound per horse power basis. 以一磅对一马力的比率而言,柴油式在燃料上是比较经济的。
- UD Nissan Dieseln. 日产柴油日本汽车制造商
- We have a Nissan Centra,if you like. 如果你喜欢,日产尖兵如何。
- Nearly all the tractors operate on diesel oil. 几乎所有的拖拉机都用柴油开动。
- Dongfang Nissan Sales Service Co., Ltd. 鑫达同德商贸有限公司东方日产销售服务有限公司。
- China Zhengzhou Nissan Automobile Co., Ltd. 郑州日产汽车有限公司。
- Nissan, 44 percent-owned by Renault. 雷诺拥有日产汽车44%25的股权。
- The diesel engine is reliable and longlasting. 柴油发动机可靠并经久耐用。
- We have a Nissan Centra, if you like. 如果你喜欢,日产尖兵如何。
- We filled up with diesel at the petrol station. 我们在加油站加满了柴油。
- NISSAN: Life is a journey.Enjoy the ride. NISSAN 汽车:生活就是一次旅行,祝您旅途愉快。
- Paraffins have high diesel indices. 链烷烃的柴油指数最高。
- Nissan 370Z Tuning Package by Branew. 图鉴两张,点击放大。