- Nishina Yoshio 仁科芳雄(1890-1951),日本人,物理学家。
- Norman Bethune was born in 1890. 诺曼?白求恩出生于1890年。
- The Korean war touched off scarebuying in 1951. 年韩战引起了抢购。
- In 1890 the Supreme Court upheld it. 1890年,最高法院也支持该法案。
- Henry Norman Bethune in in 1890. 亨利·诺尔曼白求恩1890年出生于加拿大。
- Its leaders renounced polygamy in 1890. 它的领导者在1890年废除了一夫多妻制。
- Then in 1951, he published East of Eden. 其后,他在1951年发表了《伊甸园以东》。
- Mainstream Mormons renounced polygamy in 1890. 摩门教徒从1890年禁止一夫多妻制。
- The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded him in 1951. 1951他被授予了诺贝尔和平奖。
- ALICE HEFFERNAN: I've been baptized since 1951. ALICE安丽丝.;赫弗南:我自1951年受洗。
- JAPAN. Tokyo. Meiji Temple. Shinto priests. 1951. 1951年,日本东京,明治寺的神道教僧侣。
- JAPAN. Kyoto. Bunraku puppet player BUNGORO. 1951. 1951年,日本京都,木偶戏表演者文五郎。
- In August 1951, the Project was renamed ARTICHOKE. 在1951年8月,计划被更名为朝鲜蓟。
- Harnessing the wind to generate electricity dates back to 1890. 利用风来发电可以追溯到1890年。
- The year from 1890 to 1920 saw the social gospel come of age. 从1890到1920年,是社会福音运动达到成熟的年代。
- In 1951, the laws against Witchcraft were repealed in England. 在1951年,英格兰废除了反对魔法的法律。
- It was organized in 1890 and chartered by Congress in 1895. 1890年成立,1895年由国会核准。
- He and his family returned to the United States In 1951. 1951年,他与家人回到美国。
- Norman Bethune was born in Graven Hurst, Ontario, Canada in 1890. 诺尔曼?白求恩于1890年出生在加拿大安大略省的格雷文赫斯特。
- His Complete Poems(1950) won the Pulitzer prize for poetry in 1951. 他的《诗作全集》1951年获普利策诗作奖。