- Nishida Kitaro 西田几多郎
- Nishida M. Stress Concentration[M]. Translated by Li Anding. 西田正孝.;应力集中[M]
- Famous Japanese musician Kitaro was also on the scene to support the young star. 日本着名的音乐家喜多郎也在现场力挺这位年轻的歌手。
- This essential collection will appeal to fans of Tim Story, Kitaro, Deuter, Constance Demby, and Lisa Lynne... 两首新作在现代钢琴的演奏风格中融入了古典音乐的技巧与情绪,给人一种纯净、轻盈、典雅、脱俗的美和想象空间。
- In regard to your question,I'm not exactly sure myself,so let's ask Mr. Nishida if he can tell us. 关于您的问题,我本身不太清楚,所以我们问西田先生看他是否能告诉我们。
- Gudykunst and Nishida contend that extreme objectivist or subjectivist perspectives are not defensible. 而主观主义信奉者则认为理论应当描述研究的现象。
- Dr Tsutomu Nishida and colleagues evaluated whether oral glucose tolerance test was useful in evaluating the prognosis of liver cirrhosis. Tsutomu Nishida医生和同事评估口服葡萄糖耐量测验是否可用于评估肝硬化的恶化.
- Internationally known musician Kitaro held his concert in HK Convention Centre the night before. The piece of music she played for Anita Mui brought the climax of the whole night. 享誉国际的音乐大师喜多郎,前晚在香港会议展览中心举行演奏会,而为亡友梅艳芳演奏的一段,更掀起全晚的高潮。
- Gegege no Kitaro 2: 1000 Year Old Cursed Song), again directed by Motoki Katsuhide, followed quickly in 2008, set in the same fanciful world populated by yokai, demon spirits with supernatural powers. 在鬼太郎和同伴的追查后,发现原来是由一只经过千年封印后苏醒的恶魔作怪。
- According to the characteristics of spore germination and protonemal development P.sinense is confirmed in P.sinense and in accordance with Nishida classification of spore germination types of moss plants to belong to Ptychomitrium-type. 根据中华缩叶藓的孢子萌发和原丝体发育特征;并参照Nishida对藓类植物孢子萌发类型的划分;确定中华缩叶藓的萌发孢子型应属于缩叶藓型(Ptychomitrium-type).
- Yasuyuki NISHIDA and Toshimasa HANEYOSHI,Dip.of Applied Electronic Eng.Dep.Of Systems Engingeering,Faculty of Science and Engineering,Tokyo Denki University,Hatoyama,Saitama,350-30 Japan. 葛大麟;杨俊乾.;逆变和谐波-非线性负载的案例研究
- ” Gudykunst and Nishida contend that extreme objectivist or subjectivist perspectives are not defensible. 而主观主义信奉者则认为理论应当描述研究的现象。
- Nishida K.Wakai K.Yoshizaki T Ignition delays of DME and diesel fuel sprays injected by a DI diesel injector[C].[SAE 1999-01-3600 张辉亚.;张煜盛
- Nishida Tenkō 西田天香(1872-1968),日本人,参议员。
- Nishida Ryōzō 西田亮三(1915-),日本人,工科教授。
- Nishida Masataka 西田正孝(1906-),日本人,工科教授。
- Nishida Shuhei 西田修平
- Nishida Takao 西田隆男(1901-),日本人,官员。
- Nishida Kōichi 西田公一(1925-),日本人,律师。
- Nishida Sachiko 西田佐知子(1939-),日本人,女歌手。