- Nikolai Orlov 奥尔洛夫
- He is sending Prince Orlov to negotiate. 他派奥尔洛夫王子去会谈。
- So does Yuri Orlov’s wife Ava Fontaine Orlov. 但是一个生活在孤岛上的人却不可能认识到他是谁。
- Nikolai's English was much the worst. 尼柯莱的英语糟糕透了。
- Nikolai Petrovitch was himself so good and considerate. 尼古拉·彼得洛维奇自己也很和善又会体贴。
- Blood gushed from Orlov's chest, and he fell backward. 血从奥尔洛夫胸部涌出,他向后倒下。
- Yuri Orlov, we're the Bureau of tobacco, alcohol and firearms. 我们是烟草酒精及枪支管理局的。
- "A whole nation of belligerent, snappish people?" asked Nikolai. “一个全国好战的国家?急躁的人民?”尼可莱问。
- Father helped her up as Bean and Nikolai looked back. 母亲摔倒了,父亲扶她起来,豆子和尼可莱向后望去。
- The next problem was how to get sufficiently close to Orlov to kill him. 下一个问题就是如何最大限度地接近奥尔洛夫以便杀死他。
- "At least they're not trying to pretend they're Turks," said Nikolai. “至少他们没有假装成土耳其人。”尼可莱说。
- Father and Nikolai looked at him as if he were crazy. "Going?" Asked Father. 父亲和尼可莱面面相觑,“状况?”父亲问。
- Terrell, Erwin Tschirner, Brigitte Nikolai ;consultant, Elke Riebeling. 书名/作者 Kontakte :a communicative approach /Tracy D.
- That morning Feliks figured out when, where and how he was going to kill Prince Orlov. 那天上午,费利克斯计划好了刺杀奥尔洛夫的时间、地点和行动方案。
- Orlov Y V, Utkin V I. Sliding mode control in indefinite-dimensional systems[J]. Automatica,1987, 23(6): 753-757. 郑立辉;冯珊;潘德惠.;描述群体消费者行为的分布参数系统方法[J]
- Anatoly Orlov: Is this how you want to be remembered? Yuri Orlov: I don't want to be remembered at all. That means I'm dead. 阿纳托利·奥洛夫:你就是这样希望自己被别人牢记吗?尤瑞·奥洛夫:根本没想过,那意味着我死了。
- General Nikolai Solovtsov said Russia would be able to start building intermediate and short-range missiles if the Kremlin drops out of an arms treaty with the United States. 索洛夫佐夫将军说,如果俄罗斯退出和美国签订的武器条约,完全有能力重新开始制造中程和短程导弹。
- Yuri Orlov, we're the Bureau of tobacco, alcohol and firearms. -- let me guess, this is not about alcohol or tobacco -- Yuri Orlov. 我们是烟草酒精及枪支管制署。--让我猜猜看,你们肯定不是因为烟草酒精而来。
- Here lie the graves of great writers such as Nikolai Gogol, Anton Chekhov, Vladimir Mayakovsky and Mikhail Bulgakov. 尼古拉?果戈里、安东?契诃夫、弗拉基米尔?马雅可夫斯基、米?布尔加科夫,这些伟大的作家都在此处安息。
- Nikolai Pankov also announced 50 generals faced the axe after failing to pass appraisals. 潘科夫表示,被解雇的还包括50名没有通过评审的将军。