- Be ware of falling into their trap. 当心中了他们的计。
- Nian ware 年窑
- The shop sells a great variety of porcelain ware. 这家店铺出售品种繁多的瓷器。
- Our store is the biggest dealer in Cloisonne ware here. 本店是此地最大的景泰蓝销售店。
- Tong Nian is its soly legal heir. 童年是这所房子的唯一继承人。
- Yuan Yuaner shi yi nian (1284) to create. 元至元二十一年(1284)创建。
- Its “nian tou” is fairly long. 它的年头儿可不短了。
- Cups, bowls and pots are typical hollow ware. 杯子、碗和壶都是典型的凹形器皿。
- Da Nian squats and lookes at the moon. 蹲坐着的大年抬头望月。
- When I do not know shutting down ware. 我不知道什么时候关机器。
- The pupils ware dismissed from school. 学生们放学了。
- Sound your horn to ware other drivers. 揿响喇叭提醒其他司机。
- Good ware will never want a chapman. 好货不须叫卖。
- This hall exhibits jade ware and ceramics. 这个馆陈列的是玉器和陶器。
- I do not know when to shut down ware. 我不知道什么时候关机器。
- Our market niche is women who ware larger sizes. 我们的市场定位是为那些穿大尺码的女士生产服装。
- Sanhsia is famous for its fictile ware. 三峡以陶器闻名。
- On a moonless, cold night, Nian went to the village again. 在一个漆黑无月亮的晚上,年又来村子了。
- Zhejiang Cixi Deli Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd. 浙江省慈溪市得力洁具有限公司
- When will Shui Mu Nian Hua's new recording come out? 水木年华的新唱片什么时候发行?