- The Republic of China was born in 1912. 中华民国诞生于一九一二年。
- Many famous ping pang players have defected to other countries. 许多有名的乒乓球手都为他国效力了。
- They are Jing Cheung Ching-ching (ISM), Jessie Kwan Ka-wai (MKT), Stephen Li Chun-yat (HRM) and Kristy Ng Sui-ki (CBS). 队员包括张晶晶 (资讯系统管理学)、关嘉慧 (市场学)、李俊逸 (人力资源管理学) 及吴瑞琪 (中国商贸学)。
- Li Ming speaks English a lot fluently than Wang Ping. 李明讲英语比王平讲得好很多。
- And a couplet: "Wai Ching Cheung Yuk Sau Ping Fan, Yong Zhong Ling mountain rock wall. 又有一副对联云:“屏藩毓秀围青嶂,山水钟灵涌壁岩”。
- The committee was established in 1912. 这个委员会创立于1912年。
- The school was renamed "Tsinghua School" in 1912. 1912年,清华学堂更名为清华学校。
- For outlying islands such as Cheung Chau, Lamma Island, Ping Chau, and Lantau Island, delivery charge is HK$350. 离岛地区如长汌、南丫岛、屏洲及大屿山,运送费用为%24350。)
- Modern pentathlon became an Olympic event in 1912. 现代五项在1912年被列为奥运会项目。
- Gor Gor, Leslie Cheung is her good listener. “哥哥”张国荣则是她谈心的对象。
- We've been playing ping pong a lot lately. 最近我们经常打乒乓球。
- I will give you an NG tube right now. 我马上给你插鼻胃管。
- The Stockholm Olympic Games in 1912. 1912年斯德哥尔摩奥运会。
- Wang Ping: He changed his original intention later. 王平:可是后来他又改变了初衷。
- Why are there pieces of ve that don't be ng? 为什么那些爱的碎片仍然无法拼凑?
- By 1912 explorers like Roald Amundsen, Robert F. 早在1912年Roald Amundsen; Robert F.
- Wang Ping: More than that. His arrogance is lovely. 王平:岂止有意思,还真狂得可爱。
- Ng's got a moral, if only you can find it. 每件事情都有其寓意,只要你能够找出它来。
- Codification will be appointed in 1912 Compilation. 1912年任法典编纂会纂修。
- Learn RELAX NG for more effective XML design. 了解RELAX NG,这是一种更有效的XML设计。