- Dynamics starts with fundamentals of Newtonian mechanics. 本课程由牛顿力学之基础开始。
- Acceptance of newtonian mechanics was unquestioned for 200 years. 对牛顿力学的认同在200年间没有被质疑过。
- It is emphasized that the inertial force is unevadable and not to be ignored in Newtonian mechanics. 摘要论述了在牛顿力学中,惯性力无法避免,也不可忽视。
- Economics is not a straightforward discipline like Newtonian mechanics or Euclidean geometry. 经济学不像牛顿力学或者欧几里德几何,它不是门直观的学科。
- In fact, every one of the principles of Newtonian mechanics survives as a special case of the more general rela-tivistic formulation. 事实上,牛顿力学中的每一原理都可看作是更普遍的相对性公式的特例。
- For example, if Newtonian mechanics governed the workings of an atom, electrons would rapidly travel towards and collide with the nucleus. 假如牛顿力学支配原子的运行,电子就会快速往前传播而与原子碰撞。
- The paper proves the randomicity of Newtonian mechanics in nonlinear system by applying the theory of chaos. 利用混沌理论论证了牛顿力学在非线性系统中存在内在随机性。
- In fact, every one of the principles of Newtonian mechanics survives as a special case of the more general relativistic formulation. 事实上,牛顿力学中的每一原理都可看作是更普遍的相对性公式的特例。
- Quantum mechanics is a fundamental branch of theoretical physics that replaces Newtonian mechanics and classical electromagnetism at the atomic and subatomic levels. 量子力学是理论物理的一基本分支,理论物理在原子与亚原子水平上取代牛顿力学和经典电磁学。
- Professor Zhigang Suo: In China, I studied applied mechanics, the use of Newtonian mechanics in structures, like bridges, airplanes, architecture, etc. 锁志刚教授:我在国内学的是应用力学,就是将牛顿力学用在结构上,如桥梁、飞机、建筑物等。
- General relativity changed the opinion of space and time of Newtonian mechanics, but failed to complete the physical revolution. 广义相对论变更了牛顿力学的空间、时间观念,但相对论没有完成物理学的革命。
- Furthermore, so much of the QM concepts are developed through Newtonian mechanics: Lagrangian, Hamiltonian, and the Principle of Least Action, etc. 此外,很多量子力学概念都是从牛顿力学中而来的:比如拉格朗日量、哈密顿量、最小作用量原理等等。
- This paper examines variance on concept of causality in physics, concepts of causality in Aristotle, Newtonian mechanics, special relativity and quantum theory are expounded. 本文考察了物理学中因果性概念的演变过程,阐述了亚里士多德自然哲学、牛顿力学、相对论和量子力学中的因果性概念.
- This paper gives a review of the modern developments of the Newtonian theory of gravity, i.e.the post Newtonian mechanics or metric theory. And also briefly it describes the recent results of the theory. 本文综述了牛顿重力理论的近代发展,即后牛顿力学或度规理论,?K简述了它的现代应用成果。
- A bit of an exaggeration, perhaps, but the point was that even in the theoretically deterministic world of Newtonian mechanics, only a small amount of complexity is needed to make practical prediction well nigh impossible. 这也许有点夸张,但关键是即使在牛顿力学的理论决定学界,仅仅是少量的复杂因素也会给实际预测带来不确定性。
- As a theorist of modern physics, do you ever touch Newtonian Mechanics for the past few years? What do you think about it in the viewpoint of quantum theory (or some kind of modern physics)? 作为一个关注现代物理的理论物理学家,在过去的若干年里,你是否还接触过牛顿力学?从量子理论(或者其它类型的现代物理)的眼光下,你怎样看待牛顿力学?
- The Hamilton's principle is applied to two simple kinematics issues of classical Newtonian mechanics, in that way we can expatiates the Hamilton's Principle intuitive and simply comparatively. 摘要本文将哈密顿原理应用到经典牛顿力学中的两个简单的运动学问题,比较直现、简洁地阐述了哈密领原理的内涵。
- Are you saying that knowing that the fundamental theory of the world is quantum mechanical, why do we still need to study Newtonian mechanics? 你的意思是否是说,如果我们知道这个世界的基本理论是量子力学,我们为何仍然要学习牛顿力学?
- General theory of G-variate is a physical law, more accurately not only limiting in study global motion regularity, has been found and established owing to the limitation of Newtonian mechanics. 从牛顿力学的局限中发现和建立更为准确的不仅限于研究地球运动规律的物理原理,即广义G变论。