- News from Civil Service Bureau 公务员事务局消息
- However, there is no decentralisation of pay administration, which is centrally managed by the Civil Service Bureau. 不过,由公务员事务局中央处理的薪酬管理工作,仍没有下放。
- What role should the central agencies such as Civil Service Bureau and Finance Bureau play in future pay determination? 公务员事务局及库务局等中央机构在未来的薪酬厘定工作上应担当甚么角色?
- Applicants testing positive on the HBV serologic tests were excluded from civil service positions. 凡在检测中HBV呈阳性者将会失去被录取成为政府公务员的资格。
- The Administration briefed members on the work of the Civil Service Bureau in the promotion of integrity in the civil service. 政府当局向委员简介公务员事务局在促进公务员廉洁操守方面的工作。
- The department also helped the Civil Service Bureau organise two roving exhibitions on the Basic Law, in 1998 and 1999, which attracted altogether more than 43000 people. 此外,律政司也协助公务员事务局筹办了两次《基本法》巡回展览,分别在一九九八和一九九九年举行,总参观人数逾43000人。
- The department also helped the Civil Service Bureau organise two roving exhibitions on the Basic Law,in 1998 and 1999,which attracted altogether more than 43000 people. 此外,律政司也协助公务员事务局筹办了两次《基本法》巡回展览,分别在一九九八和一九九九年举行,总参观人数逾43000人。
- The Panel discussed the paper on policy initiatives of the Civil Service Bureau set out in the 2005-06 Policy Agenda, including the reduction of the civil service establishment. 事务委员会讨论当局提供的文件,当中说明2005至06年施政纲领载列的公务员事务局政策措施,包括削减公务员编制。
- Working in parallel, the Community Relations Department has been partnering with the Civil Service Bureau to promote a probity culture in the civil service. 此外,社区关系处亦与公务员事务局合作经年,推动持廉守正的文化。
- For Civil Service Pensioners, the Authorization Form Try 489 is available from the Pensions Division of the Treasury and Pensioners Welfare Unit of Civil Service Bureau. 供退休公务员填写的授权表格Try 489号,可从库务署退休金分部及公务员事务局退休公务员福利组索取。
- The Director of Administration replied that they would need to obtain the agreement of the Civil Service Bureau on the proposed deletion of civil service posts. 行政署长回覆,他们需取得公务员事务局的同意删除公务员职位。
- I haven't heard any news from my son lately. 我最近没听到我儿子的任何音讯。
- I haven't kept up with news from home lately. 最近我对家里的情况一无所知。
- I learned this news from the newspaper. 我从报纸上得知这个消息。
- Is there any hot news from the front? 有前线来的最新消息吗?
- Reorganisation of Civil Service Bureau 重组公务员事务局架构
- Civil Service Bureau - Channel of Consultation 公务员事务局-谘询渠道
- I learned this piece of news from the newspaper this morning. 我是今天早晨从报纸上知道这条消息的。
- Civil Service Bureau - Post-retirement Employment 公务员事务局-退休后就业
- Keep the news from him, he'll tell everyone about it. 不要让他知道这消息,他会把它告诉其他人的。