- New Frontier Literature 新边塞文学
- By pooling our talents and resources we can make space a new frontier of peace. 如果我们把才能和资源汇合起来,就能把太空这个尚未开拓的疆域变成一个新的和平疆域。
- This new frontier incident probably means war. 这个新的边境事件可能导致战争。
- John F. Kennedy typified the new frontier spirit. 约翰.;肯尼迪为新拓荒者精神的典型人物。
- This new frontier incident probably means that there will be war . 这个新的边境事件可能导致战争。
- We came forward to an absolutely new frontier of struggle. 我们走上了一条全新的战线。
- The Internet is a new frontier in the struggle for human rights. 该运动的效用显然并不会大,更不会引起政府的重视。
- Ecoenvironmental geochemistry is a new frontier science. 生态环境地球化学是一门新兴边缘学科。
- IT IS a typical example of the colonisation of a new frontier. 这是一个新边疆殖民的典型例子。
- The war experience helped to give the New Frontier generations casual and laconic tone. 战争的经历有助于使新边疆这一辈养成不拘形式和说话干脆的作风。
- With each new frontier, Java developers rediscover old mistakes with some regularity. 在每个新的领域中,Java开发者都会重新发现一些旧的错误,而这些错误具有某种规律性。
- Proteomics research, as a new frontier developed recently in life science, has become one of the landmarks for the post genome era. 摘要蛋白质组学研究是近年来兴起的生命科学的前沿领域,是生命科学进入后基因组时代的标志之一。
- First, understanding the western connotations of the new frontier fortress poems from his early poetry. 一、从林染的前期诗作看“新边塞诗”的西部内涵。
- The study of interaction between metal ions and proteins is a new frontier of chemistry and life science. 金属离子与蛋白质结合反应的研究是化学和生命科学研究的前沿领域。
- Palynology, one science of plant s pollen and spores, has been proven to be a new frontier discipline. 孢粉学是研究植物孢子和花粉(简称孢粉)的科学,是一门新兴的边缘学科。
- Strategy Decision Support System (SDSS) or Strategy Information System (SIS) is a new frontier in the field of information science and technology. 战略决策支持系统(Strategy Decision Support System,缩写SDSS)又称战略信息系统(Strategy Information System,缩写SIS)是决策支持系统的一个前沿领域。
- For this reason, cyberspace is the same as the frame of Martin Heidgergger, and becomes the new frontier of the transnational capitalism. 由此,网络空间如同海德格尔所称的座架,成为跨国资本主义的新边疆。
- But they looked forward, too, by opening new frontiers in the arts. 而他们也通过开辟新的艺术领域来展望未来。
- If they can be believed, new frontiers wait to be explored. 如果它们是可信的,那么这将是一个崭新的疆界,等待着我们去探索。
- The idea that inheritance is not just about which genes you inherit but whether these are switched on or off is a whole new frontier in biology. 这一认为遗传并不仅仅是你继承了哪个基因而是这些开关是否被打开或关闭的观点在生物学上是一个全新的领域。