- Studies on Methods of Inducing wheat Anther callus and breeding of new wheat variety jimai42. 小麦花药愈伤组织诱导和新品种冀麦42号选育的研究。
- Jingmai 11 with weak gluten is a new wheat variety, that select high-quality no-irrigated farmland wheat variety that breed through artificial hybridization system one. 摘要弱筋小麦新品种靖麦11号是通过人工杂交系统选育成的优质旱地小麦品种。
- Selection of A New Wheat Variety 'Liaochun 13'with Springy Gluten 强筋类小麦新品种辽春13号选育报告
- At present, governmental extension institutions serve as the main source of new wheat varieties. Percentage of self-conscious adoption is high when farmers decided to plant new wheat varieties, although recommendation from seed-sellers had some action. 农户了解小麦新品种的来源主要是政府推广部门,在决定种植小麦新品种时,农户自觉采用的比例较高,但种子经销单位推荐也起到一定的作用;
- Breeding of Bafeng No.5 Of New Wheat Variety with High Yield and High Quality 高产、优质小麦新品种巴丰5号的选育
- Breeding of New Wheat Variety Bayou No.1 With High Yield and High Gluten 高产优质强筋小麦新品种巴优1号的选育
- Breeding of New Wheat Variety Linyou 2018 of Good Quality and High Yield 高产优质小麦新品种临优2018选育研究
- Breeding of a new wheat variety Yumai 67 with dry resistance and good quality 抗旱优质小麦新品种豫麦67号的选育
- Studies on Main Characters of A New Wheat Variety Shaan 253 with Strong Gluten and Good quality 强筋型优质小麦新品种陕253主要特征特性研究
- Breeding and Application of New Wheat Variety E-mai 25 with High Yield and Good Resistance 高产抗病小麦新品种鄂麦25的选育及应用
- Breeding of A New Wheat Variety Yumai 68 with Strong Gluten and Super-high Yield 强筋优质超高产小麦新品种豫麦68号的选育
- Breeding of Wenmai no.18: a new wheat variety with high yield and stable yield, high quality and wide adaptability 高产、稳产、优质、广适小麦新品种温麦18号的选育
- Breeding of a New Wheat Variety Zhengnong 16 with High Quality, Strong Gluten and High Yield 高产优质强筋小麦新品种郑农16号的选育
- Breeding of the new wheat variety Xiangmai 969 with high yield and early maturity 早熟、高产小麦新品种项麦969的选育
- Breeding strategy on new wheat variety in the region wheat after getting rice in southern Henan province 豫南稻茬麦区小麦新品种选育策略
- Analysis on the relativity between climate factors and yield factors of new wheat variety Zimai12 淄麦12号年际间气象因素与产量因子相关性分析
- Breeding and the key cultivation points of the new wheat variety Huaimai 21 with stable high yield and multi -resistance to disease 高产稳产多抗小麦新品种淮麦21号的选育及栽培要点
- New wheat variety 小麦新品种
- New map icon : New wheat farm and dairy farm icon show you these production. 新的地图图标:新小麦农场和奶牛场图标显示这些生产。
- Comprehension Analysis and Evaluation on Prolificacy and Stability of New Wheat Varieties in Liaoning Province 辽宁省小麦新品种丰产性和稳产性综合分析评价