- New stern and bow wave effects. 新的波浪效果。
- He made the fish fast to bow and stern and to the middle thwart. 他把绑鱼的绳子系在船头、船梢的中间的座板上。
- His face was stern and much flushed. 他的面孔绷紧而且通红。
- Stern and pair trawlers phased out. 逐步淘汰单拖与双拖。
- Their brother, however, seemed stern and cold. 但她们的哥哥却似乎严肃而冷漠。
- Heroes have decent armour, sword and bow at start. 在开始,英雄有不错的盔甲,剑及弓。
- The mother was stern and disciplinary. 这位母亲非常严厉,要求孩子必须守纪律。
- The powerful bow wave that new media advertisement furls, had evoked the strong reaction of traditional ad industry. 新媒体广告卷起的强势冲击波,已经激起传统广告行业的强烈反应。
- The old professor seemed stern and forbidding. 这位老教授态度严肃,令人望而生畏。
- The wave effects are not peculiar to electrons. 波的效应不是电子独有的。
- He made the fish fast to the bow, the stern and to the middle thwart. 他把鱼系在船头、船梢和中间的坐板上。
- And here, too, was a young man, the youngest son of a stern and zealous divine of the old school. 这里也有一个年轻人,他名叫安吉尔·克莱,是一位严厉而热情的守旧派牧师的小儿子。
- Visit: Cave Basin Historic Site, Banff Springs Hotel and Bow Falls. 洞穴与盆地历史区,促成班芙国家公园设置。
- He sits in a fixed posture and bow and then levitates. 他用一种固定的姿势来坐着,弯下腰,然后轻轻地浮起。
- Donning a smoking jacket and bow tie seems the least one can do. 身穿一件便服,戴一个领结似乎是最起码的了。
- I found myself jammed in between the stern and rudder. 我发现自己挤在船尾和船舵中间。
- Rudy Gay enters the room, kneels before Stern and kisses his ring. 鲁迪盖伊走进了房间,在斯特恩面前跪下并且亲吻他手上的戒指。
- After a while , the footstep came at the door, then , the door was opened like the door was striked by explosive bow wave. 一会儿,脚步到了门口,随即,门像受到爆炸的冲击波撞击似的,“砰”一声被推开了。
- They are witty, cleaver and gifted, stern and kind, boastful and shy. 他们机智聪明或富有天赋、严厉或善良、自负或害羞。
- A sprinter's greater visibility is also assisted by the bow wave being bigger and the following trough being deeper. 游的快的运动员的可见度也得益于前面更大的涡流和其后的更深的波谷。