- The third part puts forward a strategy of rewriting a new literary history in the broad context of world literature. 第三部分则提出一种在世界文学背景下以语言为疆界重写汉语文学史的策略。
- Seeing the Popularization Shift in Modern Literary History in Terms of the Formation and Development of New Literary Language 从新文学语言的形成与发展看现代文学史上的大众化转向
- New Literary History 新文学史
- So Rabassa tried his hand, and the rest was literary history. 于是拉巴萨只好亲自动手。剩下的是文学史方面的内容。
- The realism and romanticism in his poems stood for a “new leve l" of Chinese classical literary history. 其思想站在“时代前沿”,其诗歌中的现实主义与浪漫主义,创造了中国古代文学史的“新高度”。
- It is said that the tale of war represents a new literature genre of the Middle Ages in the Japanese literary history. 摘要可以说,在日本文学史上,军记物语是代表了中世文学的一种崭新文学体裁。
- Evelyn Waugh is a major modern writer in British literary history. 伊夫林-沃是英国现代文学史上一位重要作家。
- Early verses in vernacular Chinese, as the inchoation of Chinese New Poetry, has significant meaning in literary history. 初期白话诗作为中国新诗的发端,在文学史上具有重要的意义。
- Why have you asked her to speak? She knows from nothing about literary history. 你干吗请她演讲?她对文学史全然不知。
- His first appearance in literary history is curious and significant. 他在文学史上的初露锋芒是奇特而意味深长的。
- "Folk" is a new concept ,in literary history, proposed by Mr.Chen Sihe.The concept refects a change of value in writing and opens a new domain in the research of literary histroy. “民间”是陈思和先生梳理出来的一个文学史概念,反映出知识分子写作的一种价值转型,在文学史的研究上,开辟了一个新的空间。
- Walt Whiteman and Emily Dickinson are two American great poets in the same century, creating a new literary era. 惠特曼和狄金森是美国同一时代的两位伟大的诗人,开创了美国诗歌的新纪元。
- Romance is a kind of aesthetic style and writing technique, not a new literary form. 传奇主要是一种美学风格和表现手法,其本身并不是一种新文体。
- The relation of literary history to individual works in a literature class. 文学课上文学史与文学作品的关系。
- Edgar Allan Poe is one of the greatest writers in American literary history. 埃德加·艾伦·坡是美国文学史上最伟大的作家之一。
- In the wake of the May 4t" Movement, he took an actively part in the New Literary Movement, writing in vernacular Chinese. “五四”运动后积极投入新文学运动,用白话文写作。
- LI Shang-yin was a unique existence in the literary history of China. 摘要李商隐及其诗文研究在宋元明三代几百年间备受冷落和鄙视。
- Meanwhile, a new literary movement, naturalism, was beginning in the 1890's to make its first impression on American writers. 与此同时,一个新的文学运动--自然主义,在十九世纪九十年代开始影响美国作家。
- The thought pattern of the Internet Age has created some new literary modes such as the intertextual novel and the supertextual cohesive one. 当代互联网时代的思维方式,则导致了互文小说、超文本链接等新型的小说表现形式。
- The Song essay ,a new literary style,took shape in the Han Dynasty which gained great fame,high prestige and flouring civilization. 颂文是在汉帝国的强大声威和繁盛的文化土壤中产生的一种新文学样式。