- His critical summarizing and inheriting Shongming idealist philosophy has pushed forward Chinese new Confucian school. 他对宋明理学所作的批判性总结和继承,推动了中国新儒学的发展。
- As a representative of the early "Modern New Confucian School", Ma Yi-fu leaves not only large number of philosophical works but also richer resources of poetic theory. 摘要作为“现代新儒家”早期思想的代表人物,马一浮先生不仅留下了大量哲学论著,也给后人留下了较为丰富的诗学理论资源。
- Post Modernism in Relation to New Confucian School Modernization and Marxist Philosophy 后现代主义与新儒学、现代化及马克思哲学的关系
- the new Confucian school 新儒家
- New Confucian school 新儒家
- Mencius was the most famous scholar of the Confucian School after Confucius. 孟子是我国古代继孔子之后最著名的儒家学者。
- Feng Youlan is an influential philosopher and one of the members of New Confucian in the twentieth century. 冯友兰是二十世纪影响很大的哲学史家,哲学家,新儒家的代表人物之一。
- Today, new Confucian leftists such as Gan Yang are calling for the creation of a “Confucian socialist republic. 如今,新儒家左派人士甘阳等人呼吁建立“儒家社会主义共和国”。
- Insofar as the history of thoughts is concerned, the reform manifests the mad side of the Confucian school. 从思想史的角度看,改制事件彰显了儒家政治思想中的癫狂性格;
- Quian Mu makes a claim that Confucius and Analects are the source of the academic paradigm and personality of the cultivation of Confucian school. 钱穆认为《论语》与孔子正是揭示一个完整的儒家学术原型与人格成德的典范。
- This dissertation tries to construct the Law World in the sky of Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song-Ming dynasties. 本文试图在宋明理学的天空下构筑法的世界。
- In the history of thought, "The Analects of Confucius" represents the philosophy achievement of the early the Confucian school. 在思想史上,《论语》代表了早期儒家的哲学成果。
- The emergence of New Confucianism was an important development. 其中,新儒家的崛起尤为重要。
- Though they had different features of historical forms,they had the basic traits of the communalism of the Confucian School in East Asia. 这两种类型的社群主义尽管在历史形态上各有其不同的特征,却具有其作为东亚儒家社群主义的基本品格。
- As the last founder of the Confucian school in feudal society, Zhou Taigu summarized and developed the previous political thoughts of Confucian school. 作为封建社会最后一个儒家学派的创始人,周太谷的政治思想是对以往儒学政治思想的一次总结和发展。
- Qi Song (1007-1072) was the representative figure in Song Dynasty who prosed to reconcile Confucian school and Buddhism. 契嵩(公元1007-1072年)是北宋倡导儒释融合学说的代表人物,也是继三国牟融之后,第二个名动朝野的广西籍高僧。
- After Confucius died, the ethics of Confucian school has been divided into two branches because of the argument between empiricism and apriorism. 孔子之后由儒家伦理思想分开的两大派别,就是围绕著经验与先验之争而形成。
- In education, Luo Zenan revered the Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, and paid attention to the application of the educational method. 在教育方面则以理学为尊,注重教育方法的运用。
- Daoism of this period was still as dominant ideas,combined Confucian school and Buddhism and formed unique theory,so it made the philosophy of Daoism substantial progress. 这一时期的道教仍以老庄道论为本 ,同时又结合儒学、融合佛学 ,形成了独特的理论 ,使道教哲学得到长足的发展。
- Xun Zi, as the last great thinker of the Pre-Qin Confucian School, has made great contributions to the formation and development of Chinese literary and artistic thinking. 荀子作为先秦儒家的最后一位思想家,他对中华民族的文艺思想的形成和发展作出很大的贡献。