- Never use your real name. 永远不要用你自己真实的名字。
- Use your online name or nickname consistently and sign all messages with it (but protect your real identity by never using your full name). 保持你的网上用户名或者昵称并在你发的所有信息中签署你的名字(但是为了保护你的真实身份,不要使用你的全名)。
- Will you use your real name as your internet nickname on internet forums? 你会在讨论区用你的真实名字作为你的网名吗?
- Name which you take to hide your real name. 用来掩盖你真名的名字。
- Never use anyone's real name or real phone number when posting on a BBS. 文章的时候不要使用真名和真实的电话号码。
- The embassy ask for your real name. 大使馆问你的真实姓名。
- Aren't you going to tell me your real name? 不打算告诉我你的真名?
- Never use your heritage or position for self-glorification or gain. 不要使用你的传统或职务来达成个人光环或是利益。
- Hello grandma, if that is in fact your real name. 嗨,奶奶,如果那是你真名的话。
- At first you shouldnt tell them your real name. 开始你不应该告诉他们你的真实姓名。
- You have never used your dishwasher. 你从不使用你的洗碗机。
- When your vehicle is moving use your horn when it is necessary as a warning of your presence to other road users - but never use it as a rebuke. 在驾驶时,如须警告其他道路使用者,可响号示意,但不可用响号斥责别人。
- One mistake could blow your cover (= make your real name, job, intentions, etc. known). 一不小心就会让你暴露身分。
- Fill in your real name and e-mail address (or something else if you want more privacy). 填入您真实的姓名和电子邮件地址(如果您比较在意个人隐私的话,也可以写点别的)。
- Some people believe that.If you say your real name aloud, the swamp demon will hear it and claim you! 一些人相信。如果你大声喊出自己的真实姓名,沼泽恶魔就会听到并且会找上你!
- Courage is sending a valentine to someone you secretly admire, and signing your real name. 是寄情人卡给偷偷仰慕的人,还签上自己真正的姓名。
- If must judge slightly carefully, that must unify your birthday caret-shaped as well as your real name. 如果要判断得稍微细致一点,那就要结合你的生辰八字以及你的真实姓名。
- We never use second quality ingredients. 我们决不使用次等配料。
- Please sign your real name on the registration form so that we can provide services for you throughout the whole course. 请您在登记表中填写实名,以便我们为您提供全程服务。
- May I use your name as a reference? 我可以请您作我的荐举人吗?