- Never covet wealth and power. 切勿贪图财富和权力。
- The wealth and power of each becomes more formidable to the other. 一方的富强,增加另一方的恐惧。
- The moral is: Unattached to wealth and power, happiness increases. 这个故事的寓意是:放弃财富和权势,快乐源源而至。
- I have enjoyed the worldly pleasures of great wealth and power. 我已经享有了巨大的财富和权力带来的快乐。
- The moral is: Unattached to wealth and power,happiness increases. 这个故事的寓意是:放弃财富和权势,快乐就会源源而至。。
- In old days wealth and power centralized in the hands of a few noble families. 从前,财富和权力集中在少数贵族家族的手中。
- Ce and wealth and power undercuts the character of the Statue of Liberty. 对丰裕、财富和权力的颂扬破坏了自由女神像的特质。
- Some used force, bribery and guile to achieve their wealth and power. 一些人使用武力,行贿和种种诡计来攫取财富和权力。
- Wealth and power in China are the same in that they're both overindulged. 中国的财富与权力一样,是被放纵的。
- As a kind of precious metal, gold symbolizes wealth and power from of old . 黄金作为一种稀贵金属,自古以来就是财富与权力的象征。
- Wealth and power can be fleeting, family bonds tenuous, status mercurial. 财富权力转眼成空,家庭关系淡薄如纸,名望地位飘忽不定。
- Wealth and power are not my ambitions,and unattainable is the abode of gods! 我无占有财富权势的野心,也进不了上帝的圣地!
- Peace and joy are not things that are attainable by wealth and power. 平安和喜乐不是靠财富或权力就能得到的。
- Never covet shoes' beauty while torment your feet. 切莫只贪图鞋的华贵,而委屈了自己的脚。
- You may well have to forego wealth and power if you want to assure the attainment of happiness and freedom. 如果你想要确保快乐与自由的获得,你可就得放开财富与权力。
- The chief purpose in life of many of our ancient rulers was to gain wealth and power by grinding the face of the poor. 我们古代许多君主生活中的主要目标就是通过欺压穷人来获取财富和权力。
- Never covet what is not yours, for it is a sin to steal a pin. 不是自己的东西就不要妄想,即使是偷一根针也是一种罪过。
- He is possessed of health, wealth and good sense. 他身体好,有钱,又有见识。
- His mind was blind by wealth and fame. 他的心智为名利蒙蔽。
- Under the old political system wealth and power centralized in the hands of a few noble families . 在旧政治制度下财富和权力都集中在少数贵族家族手中。