- Network Test Bed 网络试验台
- Dynamic hydrocyclone and its test bed. 动态水力旋流器及其试验装置。
- Its test bed is being built on CERNET (China education and research network, including all the universities in China). 这个项目正在CERNET(中国教育和研究网,包含所有的中国大学)上建立一个测试平台。
- Berkeley UNIX was the original test bed for IP networking. Berkeley UNIX最初是IP网络的测试平台。
- We have been unable to find any problems with the network test that we ran on your system. 我们在你的系统上运行了网络检测,但找不到任何问题。
- Network test ystem is now widely used, but there is a certain issue of security. 摘要网络考试系统目前已经普遍使用,但其存在一定的安全问题。
- These initial capabilities emerge from our research and development program and build on the test bed that we have been constructing. 这些初步的防御系统源自我们的研究和发展项目,基于我们建设中的试验场。
- Practice indicates that the system should have more merits and popularization value than other similar network test system. 实践表明,该系统比其他类似网络考试系统具有更多的优点和推广价值。
- We can also test applications that require other products to be installed in the test bed. 我们也可以测试需要在测试平台上安装其他产品的应用程序。
- This environment is used as an initial test bed for new releases of dependant software. 这一环境用作新版本的相关软件的最初测试基础。
- Also see the sections following Network testing basics, Section 8.6.29. 同时参阅网络测试基础;第8.;6
- The model served as an excellent test bed for the chiselling work to be carried out in situ. 对于现场进行的刻凿工作,此模型可作为一个良好的试验基础。
- This paper introduces the research on network communication base on the dual-system VxWorks and Dos,and it designs network test platform of some equipment. 本文探讨了基于双系统VxWorks和Dos下的网络通讯的研究,并设计出某设备网络通讯测试平台。
- The design and test of the test bed of air source purification plants for DF 4 locomotives are presented. 介绍了东风4型机车风源净化装置试验台的设计与试验情况。
- The diagnosis principle and diagnosability conditions are proposed, and the normal tolerance network test nede voltage interval are given by interval iterative algorithm. 该方法给出了容差情况下诊断的原理和可诊断性条件,并利用区间迭代算法,给出了容差网络无故障情况下的测试节点电压范围。
- Diligent sought to create a test bed to prove the viability of VDL infrastructure on grid-enabled technology. 勤奋努力创建一个测试床,以证明的可行性VDL基础设施依靠网格技术。
- Button 4 (Mail) with the wdzkfnma.kez password gets you to some kind of GSM Network Test, accessible IMHO by a remote wired connection in laboratory conditions. 按键4(录音)组合wdzkfnma.;kez 密码文件,会进入某种GSM网络测试模式,在实验室的数据线连接环境中,可以连接IMHO。
- Test(test bed) is the key to guarantee the quality and reliability of computer systems. 测试(测试平台)是保证计算机系统质量与可靠性的关键。
- Chapter five presents the development of radio network test system.It includes the system structure, function and implementation of RNT.Then test data is analysized. 第五章从系统结构,功能和技术实现几方面详细介绍了RNT,并对测试数据进行了分析。