- Network Services Protocol 网络服务协议
- VBNS? Very high speed Backbone Network Services? 甚高速骨干网络服务系统?
- The Kerberos authentication protocol is a security protocol that verifies data to help ensure that both user and network services are safe. Kerberos身份验证协议是一种安全协议,用于验证数据以帮助确保用户和网络服务均是安全的。
- Base stations use this protocol to enforce conditional access to network services and when synchronizing key data with subscriber stations. 基站使用该协议后,可在用户站提供了密钥合成数据后实现有条件地获得网络服务。
- SSH (Secure Shell) is a protocol for secure remote login and other secure network services over an insecure network, SSH is drafted by IETF (http://www.ietf.org) now. SSH是一种用于在不安全的环境网络中以安全地方式远程登陆及访问网络服务的协议,目前由IETF起草定义。
- network service protocol 网络服务协议
- Peers cooperate and communicate to publish, discover, and invoke network services. Peers can publish multiple services. Peers discover network services via the Peer Discovery Protocol. 对等点协作与交流,通过公告、发现和请求网络服务。对等点可以公告多种服务。对等点发现网络服务通过对等点发现协议。
- Great Wall Broadband Network Service. 长城宽带网络服务有限公司。
- By default, this is the NETWORK SERVICE account. 默认情况下,此标识是NETWORK SERVICE帐户。
- TCP/IP is a communication protocol, it provides many different networking services. IP参考模型是一种传输协议,提供了许多不同的网络服务。
- Will the network service be charged ? 网络服务将会被收费吗?
- RFC90 - CCN as a Network Service. 标准互联网络管理框架第三版介绍.
- Vnet? Virtual Private Network Service? 虚拟私用网络服务?
- Keywords: Internet, Value-Added Network Services, Information Pu blic Utility. 关键字:网际网路、加值网路服务、资讯公用事业。
- I briefly examine some key RHEL network services in the following sections. 我简短地在下列的区段中调查一些主要RHEL网络服务。
- Requirement: This value is required to be unique among document flows for Web Service protocol. 要求:在Web服务协议的文档流中该值必须是唯一的。
- XML-RPC is a simple Web service protocol that takes the pain out of building middleware. XML-RPC是简单的Web服务协议,它用于构建中间件。
- Why is UDP needed for an unreliable network service? Why can't IP be used directly without requiring a Transport Layer protocol? 为什么需要的UDP是不可靠的网络服务?为什么不能直接使用的IP,而不需要运输层协议?
- Applications that use the SOAP 1.1 Specification as the service protocol can use the SoapHeaderException to access SOAP faults. 使用SOAP 1.;1规范作为服务协议的应用程序可使用SoapHeaderException访问SOAP错误。
- Recently, there comes another kind of cross-platformed communication protocol?HBWSP (Hessian Binary Web Service Protocol). 当前,出现了另一种跨平台的通信协议HBWSP(Hessian Binary Web Service Protocol)。