- The nether world boundary is the place hail. 幽冥境界,乃地之阴司。
- The nether world is where the souls are managed in Chinese fables. 阴司是中国神话中管理鬼魂的地方。
- The pharaohs start their journey in the nether world when the sun comes down. 法老们在夕阳的伴随下开始幽冥世界的旅行,跟着西落的太阳踏上新的生命历程。
- Properly invoked, these powers can be used to summon demons from the nether world and compel them to fight against their kindred. 如果能够正确应用,这些力量可以召唤恶魔并驱使他们倒戈相向。
- That little wronged spirit should have left the nether world and been reborn long ago by now! 这个小冤魂,理应早投凡胎。
- Leather-silhouette, “Hell”(Introduction): Eighteen layers of hell of nether world in leather-silhouette legends. 皮影戏《地府》的说明:皮影戏传说中“阴间地府”中十八层地狱。
- Some commentators surmise that the Mithraists worshipped Mithras as the mediator between Man and the supreme God of the upper and nether world. 一些评论员猜测密特拉教崇拜的密特拉神是人与天和地之间的至高神之间的中保或仲栽者。
- Cannot treat whole nether world, can let its produce antibody with medicaments only. 无法治疗到全阴,只能用药物让其产生抗体。
- Leather-silhouette, "Hell"(Introduction): Eighteen layers of hell of nether world in leather-silhouette legends. 皮影戏《地府》的说明:皮影戏传说中“阴间地府”中十八层地狱。
- I am the spirit of Tu Li-niang, daughter of the former Prefect Tu Pao.I am a ghost from the nether world. 奴家便是那前任太守杜宝之女杜丽娘,奴家非人,是鬼也!”
- In his dream two men approached him. The men tied him up and took him to the "Nether World". 恍惚间,猴王遇见两人拿了一张批文,上有“孙悟空”三字,走近来将他套上绳索,把魂儿拘了便走。一路踉跄来到“幽冥界”。
- It was a nether world that only two hours earlier had been a daydream in the man's imagination. 两个小时之前,它还只不过是一直以来存在于这个男人脑子里的白日梦的地狱世界而已。
- Whether one has lived a thousand years, a hundred, or ten, in the nether world he has no claim on life. 你不论活十年,百年或千年,在阴府里,对生命的长短,再没有怨尤。
- You were dead I have to become a Fan of the ghost, let me in the nether world torn hard to you, let you wait on me to let me Sansheng you! 你死了也要成为我樊家的鬼,让我在阴界狠狠地蹂躏你,让你服侍我三生我再放过你!
- Make your way to the nether world, but watch out for some deadly obstacles, not to mention God himself, who is going to try his best to stop you! 想办法找到去阴间的道路,但注意途中致命的障碍,更不要提想全力阻止你的上帝了!
- No way Zeus, Persephone had no choice but to allow each of the 1 / 3 of the time living in the nether world, 2 / 3 hours back the world, serve her mother. 宙斯没办法,只好让佩尔塞福涅每年有1/3时间住在冥府,2/3时间则返回人世,侍奉她的母亲。
- Since then, Uncle Ngau starts to run a Chinese restaurant in New Territory.His restaurant operates to serve his friend from the nether world during nighttime. 自此牛叔在新界经营山水茶楼,白天营业,晚上却款待群鬼以答谢保护家人之恩。
- For by my wrath a fire is enkindled that shall rage to the depths of the nether world, Consuming the earth with its yield, and licking with flames the roots of the mountains. 他们以虚妄之神,激起我的怒火,以虚无之物,惹我动怒;我也要以那不成子民的人激起他们的妒火,以愚昧的民族惹他们发怒。
- Perhaps, the destiny is doomed the nether world, Pan Yingzi and a generation of empress between the big jade has absolutely not takes care of also the chaotic relation. 也许,命运注定冥冥之中,潘迎紫和一代皇后大玉儿之间有着断不了理还乱的联系。
- "She saw in her mind's eye the beautiful embroidered burial shoes presented to her by her niece and felt sure these would make the King of Hell treat her with respect when she went to the nether world. 她随即想起甥女儿送她的一双绣花鞋真好看,穿了那双鞋上西方,阎王一定另眼相看;