- Net game period 纯比赛时间
- Something must be done against net game addiction. 应当采取措施对付网络游戏成瘾。
- You would not believe how much reaction your ball looses over a 100 game period if you don't take care of it. 你可能想像不到,球一旦疏于保养,用了100局后会减损多少击瓶的能量。
- Is the same with us, attache Du Daying on the body also has the Paralympic Game period work credential. 和我们一样,杜达鹰参赞身上也配有残奥会期间的工作证件。他表示,这个证件他会像很多人一样,认真的保存,因为那是一次难得的纪念。
- Among kinds of cyber-addictions, net game addition is the most easily found one. 游戏成瘾是韩国青少年中最普遍化的网瘾类型。
SEE U ...
看其实真正的痛苦只有短短几秒钟,如果你挺过去了,就能见到明天灿烂的阳光,如果不能......你只能见到天堂的曙光。一个喜欢在0:22分接电话的男人. - Beijing Olympic Games period, what is O'sullivan making? 北京奥运会期间,奥沙利文在做什么呢?
- As the name implies, a network lies at the heart of Net gaming. 正如这个名字意味着,网络是网络游戏的心脏。
- The creator of a private Battle. Net game can now make the game public under the creator's name in the multiplayer chat screen. 战网建的游戏能让别人在多人聊天屏幕看到建立者名字。
- Added feature that allows the creator of a private Battle. Net game to make the game public under the creator's name in Multiplayer Chat screen. 在多人游戏聊天界面中允许私人游戏的创建者让游戏以创建者的名字公开。
- The net family is a game which is harmful to both health and morality of the young net game players’ ,and really an inadvisable activity for young people. 对青少年的学习、生活、身心发育都有不良影响,这是一种对青少年不宜的游戏活动。
- The Sina Net game channel publishes this article goal of stemming from the transmit message, does not mean Sina Corporation approves of its viewpoint or confirms its description. 本网内容来源于网友及媒体投稿、媒体合作等,其不代表本网观点,若涉及侵权请立即联系我们删除或断开链接,同时欢迎投稿与合作。
- If the score is tied at the end of the regular game period,additional overtime periods are played until one team emerges as the winner. 如果正规比赛结束时比分打平,可以打加时赛,直到一个队获得胜利。
- The net games are extremely attractive, but really harm you like opium. 网络游戏的确非常诱人,但是也像鸦片一样毒害人。
- If the score is tied at the end of the regular game period, additional overtime periods are played until one team emerges as the winner. 如果正规比赛结束时比分打平,可以打加时赛,直到一个队获得胜利。
- As early as in Olympic Games period, the new car delivery tide already the undercurrent surged. 早在奥运期间,新车投放潮已经暗流涌动。
- Olympic Games period, because must control the body weight, Chen Yanqing's diet has received the control. 奥运会期间,由于要控制体重,陈艳青的饮食一直受到控制。
- Guo Siping said that she is the Tsinghua University big three students, at the Olympic Games and Paralympic Game period is one serves the water cube volunteer. 郭思平说,她是清华大学大三的学生,在奥运会和残奥会期间是一名服务于水立方的志愿者。
- Those young men who abandon themselves to the net games are likely to do some silly things. 那些沉迷于网络游戏的年轻人很可能做出一些傻事。
- Adds many husbands and wives to long for lives the child in Olympic Games period, they have hit in last year calculate, pinches very much the time. 加之不少夫妇渴望将孩子生在奥运期间,他们在去年已打好盘算,把时间掐得很准。