- We must keep an vigilant eye upon imperialism. 我们必须对帝国主义保持警戒。
- In her talk she went into the nature of imperialism. 她在报告中探讨了帝国主义的本性。
- These two countries accused each other of imperialism. 这两个国家相互指责对方是帝国主义。
- Do you approve of the neo design? 您赞成这种新设计吗?
- The king's subjects protested against his imperialism. 国王的臣民反对他的帝制。
- Neo: You haven't answered my question. 你还没回答我的问题呢。
- Please, Neo, you have to trust me. 请你相信我。
- Neo - You haven""t answered my question. 你还没有回答我的问题。
- Imperialism seems powerful but is indeed weak. 帝国主义貌似强大,其实是很虚弱的。
- Neo: Programs hacking programs. Why? 尼欧?程式入侵程式。为什麽?
- We should be alert to cultural imperialism. 我们应当警惕文化扩张。
- Neo: You haven answered my question. 你还没回答我的问题。
- Plunder is the very nature of imperialism. 帝国主义的本性就是掠夺。
- Neo: Cipher, I need to learn Kongfu Now. 我要马上学习中国功夫,就现在。
- LF (4 ohms) - dual 10-inch reflex neo. 低频(4欧姆)-双10英寸反射新.
- HF - dual 1-inch exit Mylar neo. 高频-双1英寸出口聚酯薄膜新。
- LF (12 ohms) - single 8-inch horn-loaded neo. 低频(12欧姆)-单8英寸喇叭加载。
- As Lenin pointed out, imperialism means war. 正像列宁指出的,帝国主义就意味着战争。
- It's the question that drives us, Neo . 有个问题驱使着我们,尼欧。
- In 1897, to sanctify the trumperies of imperialism. 1897年的庆典是对五光十色的帝国主义政策的御前恩准。