- Neither of them is guilty. 他们两人都无罪。
- Neither of them is currently in paid employment. 他们俩目前都没有挣钱的差事。
- Neither of them is a Young Pioneer. 他们俩都不是少先队员。
- Neither of them is going to get haircut. 他们俩谁也不愿意理发。
- Neither of them is very bright . 194他们两个都不聪明。
- Neither of them is politically oriented(= interested in politics). 他们两人都无意涉足政治。
- Tom bought two books but neither of them is worth reading. 汤姆买了两本书,但是没有一本值得阅读。
- Neither of them is in good health, but they work hard. 他们两人身体都不好,但他们工作很努力。
- Neither of the twins is here. Neither will do. Neither of them is incorrect. 那对双胞胎都不在这里;两个都不行;他俩都对
- None of the buses go to town. Neither of them is a middle school student. 这些车没有一辆去镇上。他们俩都不是中学生。
- The two companies'dialog broke down, since neither of them is willing to make concession. 由于没有一方愿意让步,两个公司之间的对话完全破裂了。
- Meanwhile, neither of them is prioritizing, neither of them is taking responsibility for the situation, and each is blaming the other. 同时,双方都没有将工作做优先次序分类,双方都不对这种情景负责,而是在相互责备。
- Neither of them knew about it, and the corollary of that is that someone else revealed the secret. 他们两人并不知道这回事,因此一定是另外有人泄露了秘密。
- I sit through all three performances but none of them is any good. 三个节目我都从头看到尾,可是没一个节目是精彩的。
- Per contra, the pronunciation of the “sina” or “SINA” is same as that of the “Zhina” in Japanese, but neither of them is the official transliteration of the “Zhina”. “支那”真正成为日本称呼中国的常用用语乃甲午战争以后的事,其语音统一为“希呐”也是这一时期的事。
- Neither of them benefited by what happened. 他俩谁也没从发生的事情中得益。
- Neither of them is at home. 他们两人都不在家。
- He's got dozens of suits but not one of them is presentable. 他有几十套衣服,却没有一套像样的。
- Neither of them complained, did they? 他们俩谁也没抱怨,是吗?
- The marriage of them is a pure love match. 他们的婚姻为纯爱情的结合。