- NeiYiKangFu Shuan 内异康复栓
- What does "Shuan Yang Rou" mean? “涮羊肉”是什么意思?
- Obediently, Little Shuan coughed himself to sleep. 小栓依他母亲的话,咳着睡着了。
- "Shuan Yangrou" of Dong-Lai-Shun is world renowned I know. 我知道东来顺的涮羊肉名扬四海。
- Absorbed in his walking, Old Shuan was startled when he saw the cross road lying distantly ahead of him. 老栓正在专心走路,忽然吃了一惊,远远地看见一丁字街,明明白白横着。
- Results: Complex dribbing-pill of Xue Shuan Tong could significantly inhibit thrombus formation in vivo. 结果:复方血栓通滴丸各剂量组对体外血凝块有显著的溶解作用,对体内血栓形成有明显的抑制作用。
- Absorbed in his walking, Old Shuan was startled when he saw the crossroad lying distantly ahead of him. 老拴正在专心走路,忽然吃了一惊,远远地看见一条丁字街,明明白白横着。
- The company's Shuan Yangrou and mutton hotpot sauce and strings by local consumers universal praise. 本公司生产的涮羊肉和火锅调料及羊肉串受到当地消费者的普遍好评。
- Absorbed in his walking, Old Shuan was startled when he saw the cross road (T-shaped road) lying distantly ahead of him. 老栓正在专心走路,忽然吃了一惊,远远看见一条丁字街,明明白白横着。
- Awasong shuan was placed at portion Supravaginalis cervicis,and replaced every other day.Six sessions forma treatrnent ouse. 将瓦松栓一枚置于阴道底部,隔日1次,6次为一个疗程。
- Mr Masen,in honour of your second visit,I'd like to invite you to have "Shuan Yangrou" at Dong-Lai-Shun Restaurant this evening,you know it is instant-boiled mutton. 纳桑先生,为了欢迎您再次来访,今天晚上,我想请您去东来顺吃涮羊肉。您知道,那是鲜羊肉在开水里涮就吃。
- Genghis Khan Shuan Ma pile tourist attractions in the Hulun Hu Xi Beian, from Xin Barag Youqi seat of government altan emel town 38 km northeast from the Manzhouli City, 88 km. 成吉思汗栓马桩旅游景点位于呼伦湖西北岸,距新巴尔虎右旗政府所在地阿拉坦额莫勒镇东北38公里,距离满洲里市88公里。
- Mr Masen, in honour of your second visit, I'd like to invite you to have "Shuan Yangrou" at Dong-Lai-Shun Restaurant this evening, you know it is instant-boiled mutton. 桂:纳桑先生,为了欢迎您再次来访,今天晚上,我想请您去东来顺吃涮羊肉。您知道,那是鲜羊肉在开水里涮就吃。
- Objective: To investigate the effect of Chinese traditional medicine complex dribbing-pill of Xue Shuan Tong on thrombus formation in vivo and thrombolysis in vitro of rats. 目的:研究复方血栓通滴丸对大鼠体内血栓形成和体外溶栓的作用。
- Beauty, youth, wisdom and wealth, ugliness, aging, stupidity and indigence, Li Shuan was once invincible in the realm of gods, but everything now melts into the air. 美容,青春,智慧和财富,丑陋,衰老,愚昧和贫穷,李书称是众神中钟领域中的神,但现在所有熔体到空气中。
- Ma Qin, Chongqing hot pot main business spicy shrimp, Qiang pan fish, shrimp spicy squid, Muslim Shuan Yangrou pot, taste delicious, inexpensive and elegant environment. 重庆秦妈火锅主要经营香辣虾、炝锅鱼、香辣鱿鱼虾、清真涮羊肉锅、味道鲜美、价格低廉、环境优雅。
- "Fei Yang hot pot" will last for thousands of years of a small dip is expected Shuan Yangrou food law reform as a "small dip is not expected to Shuanyang Rou," the new food law. “小肥羊火锅”将延续了千百年的蘸着小料涮羊肉食法,改革为”不蘸小料涮羊肉”的新食法。
- Special Meals: Peking Duck, Canton Cusine, Scalded Mutton (Shuan Yang Rou), Shaoxing Flavor, Dumpling Cuisine, Dai Village Cuisine + Show, GouBuLiBaoZi, Cang Yuan Flavor, Sichuan Flavor. 风味餐:北京烤鸭,粤菜风味,涮羊肉,绍兴风味,饺子风味,傣家村歌舞宴,天津狗不理包子,藏缘风情,四川风味