- Negative mood state 不良心理状态
- You need to cope with frustration, and not to connive the negative mood destroy you. 设法对付挫折,而不是任由消极的想法蹂躏;
- If you connive the negative mood to reduce your spirit power, you would trap into thought of darkness and pessimism. 这时,如果你纵容这种负面情绪,任其削弱精神力,就会陷入思想的灰暗和悲观。
- You could rally round if you try to revitalize and drive away the negative mood by yourself. 只要你力图振作。就能挥走负面情绪,重新站起来。
- The negative mood comes just a day after European central banks slashed interest rates in the hope of stabilizing the markets. 欧洲中央银行为稳定市场而削减利率后第二天就产生了消极情绪。
- Dexfenfluramine, an agent known to promote serotoninergic neuronal activity, also may elevate mood state. 代理人右芬氟拉明以促进含血清素的神经元活动,也可提高情绪状态。
- Finally, bombarding the left frontal cortex of the brain with a strong magnetic field elicits a positive mood in human subjects, and the reverse elicits a negative mood. 最后,以强力磁场刺激受试者脑部的左额叶区,会引发他们正面的情绪;刺激右额叶区,引发的则是负面情绪。
- This paper s purpose is to explore the roles that mood state plays in the processing of emotion-congruent information across different cognitive tasks. 该文考察在自然情境和人为诱发的情境下,心境对不同情绪信息加工过程的影响,验证特质一致性假设。
- This paper elaborated the EQ implication,the function as well as the librarian negative mood origin,and proposes to strengthen the strategy of the librarian EQ management. 文章论述了情商的涵义、作用以及图书馆员负面情绪的来源,并提出了加强图书馆员情商管理的策略。
- A lot of research prove: Heart behoove is stimulated and if all sorts of negative mood reaction are angst, fear, anger, blue also can make a person take food more. 许多研究证明:心理应激和各种消极的情绪反应如焦虑、恐惧、愤怒、忧郁也能促使人多进食。
- Abstract: This paper's purpose is to explore the roles that mood state plays in the processing of emotion- congruent information across different cognitive tasks. 摘 要: 该文考察在自然情境和人为诱发的情境下,心境对不同情绪信息加工过程的影响。验证特质一致性假设。
- Depression is generally a mood state characterized by a sense of inadequacy, a feeling of despondency, a decrease in activity or reactivity, pessimism, sadness and related symptoms. 抑郁,是情绪悲观、生存意志低沉的状态。抑郁的人对生活的趣味冷漠,而且处事的调适能力虚弱。
- The third feature of the elections was a sour and negative mood, shown not merely in a low turnout but also in wide support for a ragbag of far-right, populist, anti-EU or plain nutty parties. 大选的第三个特征就是这种消极悲观的情绪,这不仅体现在低投票人数上,也体现在对于一些杂乱无章党派的广泛支持上,包括极右派、平民主义者、反欧盟者和一些疯狂党派。
- The items of test were:1.Profile of mood state(POMS),(2) Simple reaction time,(3) Digit span,(4) Santa Anna manual dexterity,(5) Digit simbol,(6) Benton visual retention; and Prusuit aiming test. 测试项目包括:(1)情感状态,(2)简单反应时,(3)数字跨度,(4)手敏捷度,(5)数字译码,(6)视觉保留。
- Hypomania (literally, below mania ) is a mood state characterized by persistent and pervasive elevated or irritable mood, and thoughts and behaviors that are consistent with such a mood state. 是一种持续的,充斥着高涨、易激奋的情绪状态,思想与行为也与该种情绪状态保持一致。
- Objective: To study the features of the stressful events and their relationship with mood states among college seniors. 目的:探讨大学毕业班学生应激性事件的特点及其与心境的关系。
- Dr Wood suggests that positive self-statements cause negative moods in people with low self-esteem because they conflict with those people's views of themselves. 伍德博士提出在自尊心低的人群中,积极的自我肯定能导致消极的心情,是因为他们抵制人们对他们的看法。
- Methods: 4745 employees of a state-owned enterprise were surveyed by a self-developed Social Stressor Questionnaire and the Brief Profile of Mood States. 方法:采用自编的社会应激事件调查量表和简明心境状态量表,抽取某国有企业集团4745名职工进行问卷调查。
- The incident put her in a bad mood. 这件事使她心情很不好。
- Economically, the country is in a very healthy state. 从经济学的观点来说,国家处于很兴旺的状态之中。