- From the visual communication angle, the Naxi pictographs have the function of information communicating and aesthetic vision in the packaging design. 从视觉传达的角度看,在包装设计中,纳西象形文字具有信息传播和视觉审美的功能。
- The Dongba characters are also called the Naxi pictographic characters. 所以东巴文也称做纳西象形文字。
- Development of the NaXi Pictographs Information Processing System 纳西象形文字信息处理平台的开发
- Designing and Realizing of English Input Method for NaXi Pictograph 纳西象形文英语输入法的设计与实现
- The Design and the Development of Naxi Pictograph Outline Fonts 纳西象形文轮廓字体的设计及制作
- Naxi pictographs 纳西象形文
- NaXi Pictograph 纳西象形文
- The Naxi also created a written language over 1,000 years ago using an extraordinary system of pictographs, or Naxi hieroglyphics. 纳西族在1,000多年前就创造了书面语言。他们使用一种特殊的象形文字,或者叫做纳西象形文字。
- Han Jia, you look so pretty in a Naxi dress shawl. 韩佳,你穿纳西族服装真好看。
- Naxi people devoutly pray for peace and happiness. 纳西族虔诚地祈祷着幸福安康。
- This Naxi tradition is really commendable. 纳西族的这个传统真了不起。
- So I guess it's a Dongba pictograph. 所以我估计这肯定是东巴文。
- Lijiang is inhabited by the Naxi minority people. 丽江是纳西族人民聚居的地方。
- Naxi Dongba culture is the culture. 纳西族文化也就是东巴文化。
- The way of making Naxi rice chitterlings. 纳西米灌肠制作方法。
- Dto-mba writing created by Naxi Nationality is one of oldest pictograph in existence, known as "an alive pictograph of the world". 纳西族的东巴文,是当今世界上仅存的一种古老的文字符号,被称为“活着的象形文字”。
- During its process of social historical development, the Naxi People invented the unique pictograph and wrote a vast literature of history archives. 纳西族在其社会历史发展过程中创制了独特的象形文字,产生形成了卷帙浩繁的东巴经历史档案。
- Pictographs can be ambiguous until you learn their meaning. 表意图形可能会模棱两可,直到你如果确实了解其意思。
- Some basic pictographs reflect Korean life-style and customs. 一些基础象形文字反映了高丽人的生活方式和风俗。
- Kyla:The pictographs are a lot more detailed up here. 这上面的画更详细得多。