- Navy Security Forces 海军安全部队
- The security forces say they will flush out all the troublemakers. 保安人员说他们一定把所有捣乱分子清出来。
- A violation of Navy security regulations. 他把文件放在家里至少违反了海军的安全条例。
- Security forces were placed on alert. 治安警备力量进入了警戒状态。
- But the monster still stalks his security forces. 但他的安全部队仍然以此为信仰。
- Security forces are patrolling Ahmedabad streets. 安全部队正在艾哈迈达巴德接上迅雷。
- Bangladesh has an army, but it is a twopenny halfpenny affair kept deliberately weak, with the security forces split into three separate groups. 孟加拉国拥有一支军队,但是由于安全部队分裂成三个独立的派别,这支军队微不足道,并且有意使之弱小。
- The children "disappeared" with their parents when security forces invaded their home in Buenos Aires. 孩子们在安全部队攻击他们布宜诺斯艾利斯的家时随著父母"失踪"了。
- Police operated under the umbrella of the security forces. 警方在保安部队的掩护下采取了行动.
- Security forces were given sweeping powers to search homes. 安全部队获授予入户搜查的绝对权力。
- Nearby security forces stood idle as the protesters chanted. 附近的安全保护力量闲站一边看着抗议者唱圣歌.
- British troops will continue to help train security forces there. 英国军队仍会继续帮助训练当地的安全部队。
- The situation was further inflamed by the arrival of the security forces. 保安部队的到达使局势更加难以控制。
- Rebels and Taleban militants frequently attack security forces in Kandahar. 反叛分子以及塔利班武装分子经常攻击坎大哈的保安部队人员。
- His brother is appointed superintendent of the security force. 他哥哥被任命为安全力量的负责人。
- Security forces have been placed on a state of "red alert" nationwide. 随后安全部队迅速安置到全国各地的红色警戒区。
- The internal security forces are composed of contingents and mobile divisions. 内卫部队由各总队和机动师组成。
- We will help Iraq train its Security Forces and develop its economy. 我们将帮助伊拉克训练安全部队和发展经济。
- That attack prompted a rare admission of lapses by Iraqi security forces. 这次袭击事件让伊拉克安全部队罕有的承认其过失。
- Security forces have been placed on Women a state of "red alert" nationwide. 随后安全部队迅速安置到全国各地的红色警戒区。