- Navy Good Conduct Medal 海军品行优良奖章
- Coast Guard Reserve Good Conduct Medal 海岸警卫队预备役品德优良奖章
- A medal was awarded to him for his good conduct. 一枚奖章由于他良好的行为举止而被颁予了他。
- She always got the good conduct prize. 她总是得到品行优良奖。
- Air Force Good Conduct Medal 空军品行优良奖章
- Coast Guard Good Conduct Medal 海岸警卫队品行优良奖章
- Good Conduct Medal Clasp 品行优良纪念章
- Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal 陆战队品行优良奖章
- Good Conduct Medal 敦品奖章
- Army Good Conduct Medal 陆军品行优良奖章
- He got three months' remission for good conduct. 他因行为良好,获得三个月的缩短刑期。
- His good conduct commands respect. 他的良好品行博得人们的尊敬。
- Mr. LO was a person with good conduct and behavior. 卢先生品行良好,言行得体,平易近人。
- I can bear record to his previous good conduct. 我能证明他以往行为端正。
- The boy is a pupil of good conduct. 那男孩是个品德端正的学生。
- He is famous for his good conduct. 他因良好的行为而远近闻名。
- His good conduct deserves applause. 他的好品行应受掌声。
- He got three months' remiss for good conduct. 他因行为良好,获得三个月的缩短刑期。
- They have let the prisoner out a year early for good conduct. 那个囚犯因表现好,被提前一年释放。
- His good conduct is deserving of the highest praise. 他的优良品格应受到最高奖赏。