- Navy Department Establishments 海军部机构
- The Navy Department presented a particular problem. 海军部的问题是一个特殊问题。
- In the navy department there is herding at desks and separation in lavatories. 在海军部,他们也被赶到隔离的餐桌和隔离的洗手间去。
- In August the U.S. Navy Department set this criminal free with a verdict of "not guilty". 同年八月,美国海军部宣布皮尔逊无罪释放。
- The War and Navy departments each accumulated growing prestige which fostered the spirit of the old school tie. 陆军部和海军部各自积累了不断增长的威望,这种威望培育了小集团主义精神。
- Rear Admiral from 1895, and having served in East Asia with a cruiser squadron during 1896-97, Tirpitz was appointed Secretary of State of the Imperial Navy Department in 1897. 在1895年成为海军少将之后,提尔皮茨于1896-1897年在东亚一支巡洋舰中队服役。1897年提尔皮茨被任命为帝国海军部的部长,这次任命标志着提尔皮茨与皇帝亲密合作关系的开始。
- To administrate the department establishments, staffing and number of leadership positions; to be responsible for the allocation of functions and responsibilities of the customs institutions. 管理海关机构设置、人员编制和领导职数;负责海关系统职能配置。
- Despite the "abolition" of extraterritoriality, the culprit in the raping of Shen Chung was declared not guilty and released by the U.S. Navy Department on his return to the United States -- this counts as another expression of "friendship". 治外法权是“废除”了,强奸沈崇案的犯人回到美国,却被美国海军部宣布无罪释放,也算一项“友谊”的表示。
- To report to FC on changes in departmental establishments shown in the draft Estimates and on the size and cost of the civil service. 就更改预算草案所开列的部门人事编制,以及公务员的人数和开支等事宜,向财务委员会报告。
- The governmental department charged with the regulation and control of the affairs of a community, now chiefly the department established to maintain order, enforce the law, and prevent and detect crime. 警察局负责约束和管理一个社区事务的政府部门,现在被建立主要是用来维持秩序、执行法律和防止和侦破犯罪行为的部门
- Each relevant department established various kinds of mechanism for the protection of the rights and interests of women and children. 各有关部门还建立了各种形式的妇女儿童权益保护机制。
- Navy Department Corrosion Committee 海军部(防)腐蚀委员会
- However, some graduate departments establish their own admission deadlines, and some programs offer admission for fall quarter entry only. 但是一些研究生院系设置其独立的入学截止日期,另一些项目只提供秋季入学。
- Navy Department Library Naval Historical Center 海军部图书馆海军战史中心
- Invest Hong Kong is a new government department established on July 1,2000 to spearhead Hong Kong's efforts to attract inward investment. 投资推广署是政府在2000年7月1日成立的新部门,负责推动香港各界合力促进外来投资。
- Navy Department Mobilization Security Plan 海军部动员保密计划
- Local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in light of the need of civil air defense, have relevant departments establish mass organizations for air defense. 第四十一条县级以上地方各级人民政府应当根据人民防空的需要,组织有关部门建立群众防空组织。
- Navy Department Orientation Course 海军部讲习班
- Invest Hong Kong is a new government department established on July 1, 2000 to spearhead Hong Kong's efforts to attract inward investment. 投资推广署是政府在二零零零年七月一日成立的新部门,负责推动香港各界合力促进外来投资。
- The department established a working group in June to advise on matters relating to the implementation of fisheries management strategies. 渔农处于6月成立工作小组,就有关实施渔业管理策略的事宜提供意见。