- Effects of Bagging and Preharvest Calcium Spray on Fruit Blotch of Washington Navel Orange Peel 采前喷钙和套袋对华盛顿脐橙果皮病变的影响
- rock candy navel orange peel 脐橙皮
- Navel orange peel 脐橙皮
- Main varieties are very early, early, Satsuma, navel orange. 主要品种有特早熟、早熟、温州蜜柑、脐橙。
- One speaks of orange peel, and apple peel, and tomato skin. 我们说桔子皮,苹果皮,土豆皮。
- One speaks of orange peel,and apple peel,and tomato skin. 我们说桔子皮,苹果皮,土豆皮。
- HPLC method was used to determine aurantiamarin in orange peel. 用HPLC法测定陈皮中橙皮苷的含量。
- Flavors of damson plum, spice and orange peel, with a long finish. 和橘皮的香味搭配得完好无缺,再以悠长的余韵作点睛之笔,非常值得期待。
- Orange peel was extracted with benza, ethanol and ether. 用苯、乙醇、乙醚等3种有机溶剂对桔皮进行浸提。
- A hot punch made of red wine, brandy, and sherry flavored with almonds, raisins, and orange peel. 瑞典潘趣酒一种高度混合饮料,由红酒、白兰地和雪碧酒搀合制成,并含有杏仁、葡萄干和桔皮调味料
- In different habitats, sugar content of Robertson navel orange showed much difference each other. 不同生境条件对果实含糖量有很大的影响,对糖代谢相关酶来说,SPS和SS(分解方向)的活性受不同生境条件的影响较小,但SS合成方向的活性在不同生境条件下的差异明显,有的生境之间的差异已达到极显著的水平。
- Ganzhou location suitable climate, good soil, good navel orange growing, high-quality, popular. 赣州地理位置气候适宜,土质优良,脐橙生长良好,品质上乘,广受欢迎。
- Orange Peel - A roughened surface that is visible to the unaided eye. 桔皮-可以用肉眼看到的粗糙表面。
- This design is a flexible spoon with a knife shaped tail which can be used to cut the skin of navel orange. “反转”是一个会扒橙子的灵巧勺子,尾部的刀形弧度可以轻松的将橙子皮划开而不伤及果肉;
- With some body around, McMug put the orange peel into the rubbish bin. 有人在的时候,麦唛把橙皮放进垃圾箱里。
- Title: Studies on the Pigment Extraction From the Pulp of Red Fleshed Navel Orange (Citrus sinensis L. 关键词:红肉脐橙;紫外可见吸收光谱;薄层层析;番茄红素;浸提条件
- Shake and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with an orange peel. 摇后三角杯饰橙皮。
- A liqueur made from brandy and orange peel, 40 per cent alcohol by volume. 白兰地及桔皮制,酒度40。
- Orange peel can often be removed by wet-sanding or machine polishing. 橘子皮用湿砂或机器抛光可以除去。
- So,bagging and preharvest calcium spray had relatively satisfied effects on the external quality and commercial value of Washington navel orange. 采前喷钙和套袋对提高华脐果实的外观品质和商品性具有很好的作用。