- Naval Reserve Officers School 海军后备役军官学校
- Naval Reserve Officers Recording Activity 海军后备役军官登记处
- Junior Naval Reserve Officers Training Course 初级海军后备役军官训练课程
- Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps Unit 海军后备役军官训练团单位
- Naval Reserve Officers Training Course 海军后备役军官训练课程
- NROTC: Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps 向众人作了示范。会后,美国海军后备军官训练团
- Junior Naval Reserve Officer's Training Corps 初级海军后备役军官训练队
- Naval Reserve Officer Recording Activity 海军后备役军官登记处
- For Naval and Air Force reserve officers, their ranks shall be prefixed by "Navy" and "Air Force" respectively. 海军、空军预备役军官,在军衔前分别冠以“海军”、“空军”。
- He was ordered to report for training to the artillery officers' school. 他被命令去炮兵军官学校报到受训。
- But some had administrative jobs as female yeomen, so-called yeomanettes, in the Naval Reserve and Coast Guard. 但是有些女兵在海军预备队以及海岸警卫对做些所谓文书军士类型的管理工作。
- Naval Civil Engineer Corps Officers School 海军土木工程军官学校
- Basic Naval Aviation Officers School 初级海军航空兵军官学校
- Having been deprived of the status as a reserve officer. 被取消预备役军官身份的。
- Naval Reserve Midshipmen's School 海军后备队士官生学校
- Many Guard and Reserve officers had grown old in the prewar struggle to maintain a citizen security force. 许多保安队和预备军官,均已在战前所维持之国民治安部队中渐趋衰老。
- Reserve officers called into active service and cadres of non-military departments fit for active service. 征召的预备役军官和适合服现役的非军事部门的干部。
- The limits of authority for approving the demotion in rank for reserve officers shall be the same as those for approving the conferment of the rank. 批准预备役军官军衔降级的权限,与批准授予该级预备役军官军衔的权限相同。
- The results of the appraisal shall be taken as the main basis for appointing or removing reserve officers. 考核结果作为任免预备役军官职务的主要依据。
- The demotion in rank for reserve officers shall not be applicable to reserve officers with the rank of reserve Second Lieutenant. 预备役军官军衔降级不适用于预备役少尉军官。