- The overloading ship get in shore. 超载的乡镇客船靠岸了。
- Sailors in shore leave often spend money like water. 获准离船上岸的水手往往花钱如流水。
- The naval warfare ended in our victory. 这次海战以我们的胜利而告终。
- It is hard to draw boat forward because reefs stand in shore in great number. 这一带的岸边礁石林立拉船很困难。
- The shore was dimly seen only in outline. 海岸只有轮廓清晰可见。
- Most people here are fishing for live. Adults fishing in the sea, while children soak and fishing in shore. 这里的人都是以捕鱼为生,大的出海捕鱼,小的泡在岸边钓鱼。
- Jack looks well in naval uniform. 杰克穿海军制服很漂亮。
- In modern naval warfare,men seldom fight hand to hand. 在现代海战中,很少短兵相接。
- Qidong DongPu Hardware Co., Ltd.(Qidong No.2 Standard Fastener Plant) located in shore of east China sea, the Yellow Sea outpost and face Shanghai each other to the river. 启东市东浦五金有限公司(原启东市标准件二厂)座落在东海之滨,黄海前哨与上海对江相望。
- In modern naval warfare, men seldom fight hand to hand. 在现代海战中,很少短兵相接。
- Based on the analysis of geological and geophysical data in 2003-2004 of Jiaozhou Bay, The sequence stratigraphical model in shore area is formed. 通过分析2002-2004年胶州湾地区的全新的地质与地球物理的调查资料,结合层序地层学与沉积学基本理论,在胶州湾近岸小区域内探讨了层序地层模式。
- The research on the simulation of wave in shore plays an essential role in the navigation, utilization of ocean resources and prevention of sea disaster. 摘要近岸海洋波浪的研究对航海、海洋资源的利用、海洋灾难的预防具有十分重要的意义。
- The New York Rose grape was introduced and investigated, and the brewing technology was studied, which would provide the reference for its development in shore saline region. 摘要对纽约玫瑰葡萄进行了引种调查,研究了纽约玫瑰葡萄的酿造工艺,为其在滨海盐碱地区发展提供参考。
- The crew were in a sorry plight by the time they reached shore. 船员们抵达岸边时境况已十分悲惨。
- DEVGRU: Naval Special Warfare Development Group. 海军特种作战强化大队。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。