- Naval Gunfire Operation Centre 海军舰炮作战中心
- Naval Gunfire Operations Centre 舰炮火力作战中心
- Will the aid of naval gunfire, the ground troops regained the initiative. 我们的地面部队,在海军炮火掩护下,遂将主动权夺回。
- As the perimeter contracted, naval gunfire and air support would increase to defend the remaining beachhead. 当防线收缩时,海军舰炮和舰载机将依次投入以巩固剩余滩头的防御。
- By mid-afternoon on the 24th, all beaches were clear and the planned pyrotechnic display of demolitions and final naval gunfire began. 在24日的下午,所有的滩头都已经清空,计划中的爆破表演和海军舰炮轰炸开始了。
- The Hitlerjugend's commander, Fritz Witt, succumbed to a naval gunfire barrage on 14 June when his command post was blasted by a huge salvo. “希特勒青年”师师长,弗里茨维特,在6月14日在指挥部被英军的海军大炮击中。
- Allied naval gunfire support continued to pound the Hitlerjugend Division, and it was to have a devastating effect as 14in and 16in shells rained down on Caen. 盟军的舰炮也开始提供火力支援,对“希特勒青年”师进行压制,威力巨大的14英寸和16英寸巨炮向卡昂倾泻着炮弹。
- Naval Gunfire Support Liaison Officer 舰炮火力支援联络官
- Landing Force Naval Gunfire Team 登陆部队舰炮目标指示组
- Naval Gunfire Support Forward Observer 舰炮火力支援前沿观察员(英)
- Naval Gunfire Support Senior Liaison Officer 舰炮火力支援高级联络官
- Naval Gunfire Support Staff Officer 舰炮火力支援参谋官
- Air and Naval Gunfire Liaison Company 空海军炮火联络连
- Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company 空中海军炮火联络连
- The watch lieutenant presiding at the police department operations centre knew he had to make a fast decision. 主持警察局指挥中心的值班警官意识到,他必须火速作出决定。
- The Sport Command Centre (SCC) operates within the Main Operations Centre (MOC) of an OCOG as a sub-centre of the MOC. 竞赛指挥中心是奥组委主运行中心体系中的一个分中心。
- Opening of an Operations Centre in Dakar, Senegal to serve French Speaking associations in West Africa. 世界童军总会与其它四个青少年活动相关的组织共同发起推展非正规教育的价值。
- The picture shows the Lenovo Operating Centre building in Bratislava , the capital of Slovakia. 图为位于斯洛伐克首都布拉迪斯拉发的联想客户运营中心大楼。
- Fire Distribution Operation Centre 火力分配运作中心
- European Rescue Operation Centre 欧洲救援活动中心