- Naval General Order 海军一般命令
- The general ordered his soldiers to engage with the enemy. 将军命令他的战士们向敌人进攻。
- Osami Nagano, the bluff, hearty sailor, became Chief of Naval General Staff in charge of operations on April 9, 1941. 永野修身,直率的、精力旺盛的水手,在1941年4月9日,成为了海军司令部总长。
- The general ordered me to strategize. 将军责成我制订战略行动计划。
- The government issued a general order, declaring that the nation was at war. 政府通令全国进入战争状态。
- Adjust links on the end of the watchband if the watch in general order. 无论是小型生产还是投资办厂保证您无后顾之忧,成就您创业梦想。
- The general ordered the army to advance. 将军命令军队前进。
- The general ordered his troops to ceasefire. 那位将军命令他的军队停火。
- The general ordered his troops to cease fire. 那位将军命令他的军队停火。
- The general ordered up more men as reinforcements. 将军命令增加增援部队。
- The general ordered the fleet to remain where they were and wait for the further instructions. 将军命令舰队原地待命。
- Chen R. Glow curves with general order kinetics [J]. J Electrochem Sco: Solid Atite Science, 1969,16: 1254. 唐强;等.;热释光发光谱的三维测量系统[J]
- The general ordered his officers to mobilize their men. 将军命令他的军官们去动员他们的士兵。
- The general ordered that the soldier should fire right now. 将军命令士兵马上开火。
- The general ordered the bugler to sound the retreat. 将军命令号手吹号收兵。
- The general ordered us to directly report to the field commander. 将军命令我们向战地指挥官汇报。
- The rock group is characterized by a general order but internal disorder because of intense ductile shearing deformation. 其特点是整体有序,组内无序,韧性剪切变形强烈。
- This course is introduced the general order and working method, a kind of necessary theory knowledge, for Horticulture plant science research. 本课程介绍了进行园艺植物科学研究一般程序和工作的基本方法,是进行园艺植物科学研究必不可少的理论知识。
- Have not at actor cruel, tomato patch content of net general order programme and share content to come off come, roll out alone " black soya bean " dibble seeding platform. 广告主对分享类视频内容的广告投放持观望态度。”
- Beiyang Navy is the earliest naval force of China. 北洋水师是中国最早的海军部队。