- Naval Amphibious Training Unit 海军两栖训练小队
- Commander Amphibious Training Unit 两栖训练小队司令
- Amphibious Training Unit 两栖训练小队
- We have an in-house training unit. 我们有一个公司内部培训部门。
- When builders of the Coronado Naval Amphibious Base in San Diego planned this complex in 1967, satellite imagery was probably the furthest thing from their minds. 1967年圣地亚哥科罗拉多海军两栖部队基地的工人设计了这个建筑群时,他们根本没想到会出现在卫星照片上。
- Sheffield: CVCP Universities' Staff Development and Training Unit. 上海:上海社会科学院出版社。
- The Delingha brigade is often referred to as a training unit. 德令哈旅经常被认为是一支训练部队。
- A company of 125 Japanese soldiers are taking a 19 day course on amphibious training from the U.S.Marines.The training is the first of its kind between the two nations. 自卫队一个连的125名士兵参与19天的美国海军两栖训练,这是两国第一次在军事训练上的合作。
- SK - US naval amphibious mobile exercise 韩美水陆两栖联合机动演习
- SK - US naval amphibious mobile exercise; 韩美水陆两栖联合机动演习;
- Naval Amphibious Liaison Element 海军两栖联络小队
- United States Naval Amphibious Base 美国海军两栖作战基地
- Amphibious Operations Training Unit 两栖作战训练分队
- United States Naval Amphibious School 美国海军两栖作战学校
- Amphibious Operational Training Unit 两栖作战训练部队
- School-based staff development workshops were organised by the Training Unit to promote the importance of teamwork among teachers. 该署的训练组又举办校本教师培训工作坊,促进教师认识团队合作的重要。
- Naval Air Reserve Electronics Training Unit 海军航空兵后备队电子训练小队
- Naval Air Technical Training Unit 海军航空兵技术训练小队
- Naval Attack Combat Training Unit 海军攻击战斗训练小队
- Advanced Amphibious Training Base 高级两栖训练基地