- Naval Air Activity 海军航空兵机构
- It also has naval air force, marine corps, naval base and so on. 还有海军航空兵、海军陆战队、海军基地等。
- My brother pilots an advanced battle plane in Naval Air Force. 我哥哥是海军航空兵,驾驶先进的战斗机。
- The naval air squadron set to France was soon in the thick of the flight. 派到法国的海军航空中队的飞行却日趋频繁。
- Yes. A navy must be composed of surface ship unit, submarine unit, naval air force, marine corps and naval base. 对。海军一定由水面舰艇部队、潜艇部队、海军航空兵、海军陆战队和海军基地组成。
- It is arming vessels with advanced guided missiles and adding more capable aircraft to naval air wings. 中国为军舰配备了先进的制导导弹、并加强了海军的空中作战力量。
- In the weather system, the cold anticyclone in the north and the Australian cold air activity will intensify the tropical cyclone in the Western Pacific. 南半球澳高的增强,将使越赤道气流增强,热带气旋南面的风速也因此增强,从而引起热带气旋的增强.
- He joined the Royal Naval Air Service as an aircraft mechanic in 1915 after his mother died. 1915年妈妈去世后,他作为一名技师,参加了英国皇家海军空军勤务工作。
- Maine's Brunswick Naval Air station also would lose all of its maritime patrol aircraft and 2,420 jobs. 缅因州的布鲁斯威克海军航空兵基地也将裁减掉它全部海上巡逻机和2,420个职位。
- As we stood in formation at the Pensacola Naval Air Station, our Flight Instructor said, "All right! 朋友,你现在已经开始为即将来临的“08&旅游黄金年&”做准备了吗?
- A city of west-central California on an island in San Francisco Bay near Oakland. It is the site of a naval air base. Population,76,459. 阿拉米达美国加利福尼亚中部偏西城市,位于奥克兰附近圣弗朗西斯科湾的一座岛上。该城是海军飞行基地。人口76,459。
- Naval Air Mediterranean Repair Activity 地中海海军航空兵修配站
- A city of west-central California on an island in San Francisco Bay near Oakland. It is the site of a naval air base. Population,76, 459. 阿拉米达美国加利福尼亚中部偏西城市,位于奥克兰附近圣弗朗西斯科湾的一座岛上。该城是海军飞行基地。人口76,459
- Naval Air Pacific Repair Activity 海军航空太平洋维修处
- Early this year, even after she retired as a nurse at a naval air station in Jacksonville, Fla., Ms.Kuder still held 60% stocks and 40% bonds. 今年早些时候,甚至在她从佛罗里达州一个海军航空站的护士工作上退休后,库德的投资组合中股票和债券仍然分别占到了60%25和40%25。
- Jacksonville, Florida: The United States’s third-largest naval base, including: Jacksonville Naval Air Station and Mei Bote naval base. 佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔:美国第三大海军基地,包括:杰克逊维尔海军航空基地和梅波特海军基地。
- To work with other International Organisations to protect the interests of FAI air activities. 与其他国际组织合作,以保障FAI航空活动的权益。
- The plane landed safely and nobody was injured. The cause of the fire remains under investigation, said Lt. Cmdr. Charlie Brown, a spokesman for Naval Air Forces. 发言人声称事件中,飞机安全迫降没有人员伤亡,目前失火原因仍在调查中。
- He joined the Royal Naval Air Service in 1915 and was posted two years later to service and rescue aircraft that crashed behind the trenches at Ypres and the Somme. 他于1915年加入英国皇家海军航空队并在2年后正式为组织效力,他在伊普雷河与索姆河交接处的战壕后参加坠落飞机的抢救工作。
- The key to preventing and recovering from sub-health is to form good living habits, exercise regularly, and take part in open air activities. 预防或者摆脱亚健康状态的关键是形成良好的生活习惯,有规律地进行体育锻炼并且经常参加户外活动。