- Our pilotless rocket enters the track of the earth. 我们把一个无人驾驶的火箭送入了地球的轨道里。
- Now, the semifinal of the track and field event is underway. 现在,田径项目的半决赛正在进行。
- He knows nothing of the nature of my work. 他一点也不了解我的工作性质。
- She ran four circuits of the track. 她在跑道上跑了四圈。
- Relating to or of the nature of fermentation. 有关于发酵本质的或发酵性的
- The police are on the track of the gang. 警方正在追踪那帮团伙。
- In Melbourne, the cars were closer to each other because of the nature of the track, giving everyone better chances. 在墨尔本,由于赛道特性的关系,赛车之间的差异较小,这给了每个人更好的机会。
- Nature of the Tracked Events 被跟踪事件的特性
- They did not reveal the nature of the talk. 他们没有透露会谈的性质。
- The police are on the track of the criminals. 警察在追捕罪犯。
- His poems participate of the nature of satire. 他的诗带有讽刺性。
- Every one of the track team is well legged up. 每个径赛队员经过训练都具有良好的竞技状态。
- The pulley of the clothes line jumped the track and Mother's washing fell down. 晾衣服绳子的滑轮脱绳了,妈妈洗的衣服掉了下来。
- What is the nature of the Chinese revolution? 中国革命的性质是什么?
- Of the nature of a fable or myth;legendary. 寓言的寓言或神话性质的;传说的
- Besides,I was a member of the Track and Field Tea. 另外,我还是校田径队队员呢。
- The nature of the bond is frequently quite obscure. 这种联系的性质,往往不十分清楚。
- I walked along the outer edge of the track. 我沿着跑道的外缘走。
- How to maintain the advanced nature of the party? 保持党的先进性的路径与方法?
- Saboteurs blew up a small section of the track. 有人蓄意炸毁了一小段铁路。