- Nature Reserve of Baotianman 宝天曼自然保护区
- Pteridophytes from the Leigong Mountain Nature Reserve of Guizhou Province. 雷公山自然保护区的蕨类植物.
- The establishment of the well-known nature reserve of the three rivers' head source commenced on full scale. 举世瞩目的三江源自然保护区建设工程全面启动。
- The diversity of species of Rhododendron is coherently related to the value of Baili Dujuan Nature Reserve of Guizhou. 贵州西部百里杜鹃保护区的杜鹃属植物种类关系到其保护区的价值。
- The establishment of the well-known nature reserve of the three rivers'head source commenced on full scale. 举世瞩目的三江源自然保护区建设工程全面启动。
- Beidaihe Nature Reserve of Birds with many kinds of rare birds attracts lots of bird lovers each year. 北戴河鸟类自然保护区有不少珍稀的鸟类资源,每年都吸引着众多的鸟类爱好者。
- The pteridophyte resource in Laoling Nature Reserve of Qinhuangdao in Hebei province was investigated in 2002. 摘要于2002年,对河北省秦皇岛境内老岭自然保护区的藏类植物资源进行了调查。
- Erdengyan nature reserve of musk-deer and macaque classed as provincial grade, is located in Enshi, Hubei province. 二蹬岩林麝、猕猴自然保护小区位于湖北省恩施市,是一个以保护林麝、猕猴为主的省级专类保护区。
- Ha Ba the nature reserve of snow mountain locate in in Dian county southeast, in distance Dian county120 kilometers, gross area is21,908 hectare. 哈巴雪山自然保护区是以保护高山森林垂直分布的自然景观及滇金丝猴、驴、猴为目的而设立的寒温带针叶林类型的自然保护区。
- There were 556 species of spermatophyte in Shangshehu Wetland Nature Reserve of Wuhan City, belonging to 371 genera and 120 families. 摘要武汉市上涉湖湿地自然保护区有种子植物556种,隶属于120科371属。
- Winter food habits of gorals (Naemorhedus goral) were studied with feces by microhistology techniques in Longkou Nature Reserve of Heilongjiang Province in 2003. 摘要2003年冬季,在黑龙江龙口自然保护区,使用粪便显微组织学分析技术,对斑羚冬季食性进行了研究,结果表明,杨、紫椴、蒙古柞、苔草是斑羚冬季的主要食物。
- Objective: To investigate the variety and distribution of the mushroom and its economic and medicinal value in Gexigou nature reserve of Yajiang county in Sichuan province. 目的:对四川省雅江县格西沟自然保护区大型菌类资源种类、菌类分布状况和经济与医药价值进行调查。
- The paper reported the study of the types and flora of liverworts in the Daweishan Nature Reserve of Yunnan Province by field surveying and data refereeing. 摘要通过野外调查和文献考证,报道了云南大围山自然保护区叶附生苔类植物的类型及区系组成特点。
- In the Shennongjia National Nature Reserve of Central China, the vegetative growth behavior of henon bamboo (Phyllostachys nigra var. henonis (Mitford) Stapf. ex Rendle) was studied from shoot recruitment to culm establishment. 研究了华中神农架自然保护区毛金竹(Phyllostachys nigra var.;henonis (Mitford) Stapf
- An investigation on the bryophytes of Guniujiang Natural Reserve of Anhui Province. 牯牛降自然保护区苔藓植物初步调查.
- According to the surveys in 16 plots of the evergreen broad-leaf forest in the Meihuashan nature reserve of Westhern Fujian, there are 195 species of vascular plants belonging to 72 familis and 125 genera. 据对闽西梅花山自然保护区的16处常绿阔叶林样地调查统计,共含维管束植物195种,分属72科125属。
- GIS provides spatial information for logistic model which is used to predict the probability of the spatial distribution of Bos gaurus readei habitat in Naban River nature reserve of Xishuangbanna. GIS为逻辑斯蒂回归模型提供空间信息,并执行逻辑斯蒂模型预测印度野牛生境在该区的空间分布概率。
- A survey of herpetological resources in Nanjishan National Nature Reserve of Jiangxi Province, belonging to the south part of Poyang Lake, was carried out between June and August in 2004. 摘要2004年6月上旬和8月下旬两次对位于鄱阳湖主湖南部的江西南矶山省级自然保护区两栖爬行动物资源进行了实地考察。
- If you stay for several days longer, you'll have a chance to watch the birds in autumn.Beidaihe Nature Reserve of Birds with many kinds of rare birds attracts lots of bird lovers each year. 你在这里多停留些日子,还能赶上秋季观鸟季节,北戴河鸟类自然保护区有不少珍稀的鸟类资源,每年都吸引着众多的鸟类爱好者。
- We must keep back a reserve of food. 我们必须贮存一些食品。